Letter to Mark Zuckerberg: The Deeper Ramifications and Implications of Selective Social Media Censorship

Letter to Mark Zuckerberg: The Deeper Ramifications and Implications of Selective Social Media Censorship a.k.a Facebook Jail. #BillionaireClapBack Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We are tired. Seriously. I believe I speak for the millions of Face-book users worldwide who continue to regularly undergo the subjective process of being relentlessly, albeit, unnecessarily, monitored and censored, simply because they seek to connect with others around the world, or share eye-opening information that might be inaccessible elsewhere. As I'm sure you are well aware, millions around the world refer to this process as 'Facebook Jail.' I just returned from this ‘social incarceration’ (for the 20 th time) as your social platform suspended my account again for another seventy-two hours for what it disingenuously deemed "posting content against FB community standards". Social networking has been defined as the practice of expanding the number of one's bu...