The Truth About America: A History of Lynching Not Known By Many. Never forget that these evil white people had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to whom they taught and handed down their disturbing, psychopathic, hateful, genocidal, spiteful, murderous, exploitative and sociopathic urges All you have to look at is the facial expressions of those wantonly killing people and then ask yourselves who the real terrorists are. If there was this much evidence against people of color, or of another religious faith, we would never be told, "That was such a long time ago...let's move forward". When the Roman Empire was burning did you see the descendants of those thrown into the lion's den commiserating and sympathizing? No, they were celebrating. I am so tired of listening to the media describe one group as "Alt-Right/Neo-Nazis/Far-Right" (all so benign, pompous and official-sounding descriptions), while the other group castigated as ...