Institutionalized Deception in America as the Norm........ A recent tete-a-tete with a dear friend about the role that language plays in our respective communities, the current Panama Papers debacle, and the racially-tinged, false narratives (lies) that engulf our communities in America daily, encouraged me to explore the central theme of the linguistic foundation of American societal evolution…….institutionalized deception. If you ever wondered why America is so reviled around the world, not to worry; it’s not just because our military plays global policeman around the world killing millions of innocent civilians so that our government leaders can award special, no-bid, crude-oil (diamond/gold/plutonium/uranium/bauxite/platinum/ivory....name your country and I'll tell you what the U.S.-sent economic hitmen, and/or military, are after)) extraction contracts to their cronies…..not only because the United Staes of America has been the only country in the history of the worl...