When the establishment (white people) tell you to just get over it (slavery):
Make no mistake about it. The vapid senselessness which defines Kathy Miller is not an "isolated incident". I'm tired of hearing that old worn-out jingle. Similarly, being Donald Trump's (former) campaign Chair also has little to do with it. This is an American disease, and like a cancer has been allowed to spread far and wide for 4 centuries.

There you have it. "Just get over it" - Amerikkka's prevalent mindset in a nutshell....then and now. 
Let me get this straight. "You just said, "let's forget the events of the past 200 years". Right? Really? I don't even care in what context this was stated. It doesn't matter. That a white person in this deviant cesspool of an inbred melting pot can state that the past experiences of two to five centuries of exploitation are irrelevant is the very definition of twisted and perverse, white privilege. Imagine the propagators of the Spanish Inquisition telling future descendants of those whose skins they flayed, to just get with the program, and become good little Christians.
Bitch, the Rothschild cabal is sponsoring you. Why have you NEVER told Holocaust survivors to "Just get over it"? Why have you never said, "We simply need to forget the events which caused your ancestors to be gassed by the Nazis"? How come we have never heard you tell the victims of 9-11 to just get over it? (though we know it was your kind, from your government, that was responsible for that eerie Operation Northwood-like cleansing anyway). You still reenact the goddamn Civil War in remembrance of secessionist traitors who wanted to keep brutal, deadly slave traditions alive, reverently celebrate Memorial and Veterans Day, shout to high heavens to "Never forget Pearl Harbor!", make historical references to the victims of the Titanic....but want us to simply forget the worst Holocaust this planet has ever experienced. 
Sure, let's forget what happened in the past.....especially on Veterans Day and Memorial Day.....let go of the past, right? What about the tomb of the unkind own soldier? Shall we make that a compost heap? Or are you talking specifically only to Black people? Why is it so freaking easy for you to discount people's lives and their futures when they are of Black African descent......especially when your fortunes and the fortunes of a majority of whites in America who came from the Mayflower, and through other forms of illegal immigration, before you? Over 50 million Africans murdered, and the lasting reverberations over the decades resounding in concentric, but crippling ripples in the Black community, but you brush it aside so blithely. Not to mention that your husband is famous for incarcerating the greatest number of African-Americans in the history of America.....hundreds of thousands. 
This is my advice to you. Zip it.
Just follow my reasoning for a moment: 
Imagine I come to your house and break in. I rape your grandmother, your mother, your wife, your daughters and kill some of them in my unmitigated glee. I hang some for the pure fun of it. I mutilate your male house members, and enslave them. I take away all that is meaningful to them, including the gold fillings in their mouths, and then burn your house and all your possessions and lifetime of memories down to the ground. I forbid your entire generations from learning my language upon penalty of death....and (*wry laugh*), forbid them from speaking theirs', paranoid that they might conspire against me....also upon penalty of death. As you can see, I have a thing for arbitrarily putting your people to death for the most inconsequential thing. 
I strip your family of all their cultural legacy....their customs, their songs, their dances, their foods, rather traditions, their mode of dress, their languages, their very freedom. I debase, humiliate, denigrate, demean, mutilate, lynch, burn, castrate, diminish, de-humanize and boil them alive. I even skin some alive and use their flailing skin as book binders. I forcibly remove some of their teeth to use as trophies and replacement dentures for my people. I feed your babies, for sport, to crocodiles and alligators. I tarnish your entire humanity for all eternity. All it takes for your kind to be hung by the neck till you die, is any old accusation that you looked at me, or mine, in the wrong way....I make sure that future generations never really adequately understand the extent of the horrible atrocities I inflicted upon your kind.
I force you, and your offspring (who now "belong" to me, like property), to perform inhumane, and inhuman manual labor from sunup to midnight, without rest, so I can become wealthy, and even as your people become progressively destitute I am celebrated as being a "benevolent slave master". Even when I am at my most brutal, who is there to protest or stop me.....who cares? I rape your wife and daughters in front of you while I castrate you, figuratively, and in most cases, literally. I admit to a modicum of penis envy.
I build an empire around my stolen, brutal occupation of you, and your family. You are not the only one I am doing this to. Tens of thousands like me, as well as I, massacre upwards of a hundred million of your people, putting them all through the same abhorrent and irrevocable genocide, separating mothers from children, fathers from families.
My descendants gain immensely from this "tradition" as you become the mule, the workhorse, the plow of tens of thousands of my plantations, the backbone of my early ascent to super power status, thanks to tobacco and cotton, which ultimately become the reason a civil war breaks out among my people as the profits become so gargantuan that we fight for control over who to share it.
My children go the most privileged schools, built with the bleeding bare-knuckle labor of you and yours, and they grow up to be Captains of industry, Barons and celebrated political stalwarts, international playboys and owners of real estate, while yours grow up, still my property....tarnished, destitute, broken, ridiculed and reviled....because that is how I deliberately designed the system.
This goes on for 500 years......5 centuries of genocide, which I now call "cultivated and necessary ethnic cleansing". I brainwash your descendants to follow my God, a God of course, molded in my image, who demands perfect obedience and advocates that you obey me in all things. Your brainwashing is complete. Your grandchildren grow up to be my grandchildren's property. I am God. 
My wealth is untold and limitless, my health perfect, my future secure and generations of my power guaranteed. You? You are gradually dying, as a person, as a people. Then ones I can't bend, I break, or throw in my many destitute, degrading dungeons. I make up terms such as "picnic" to celebrate the lynching of your kind, a spectacle my two year old great-grandchildren laugh at, postcards from which are made for retail purposes...severed fingers and toes of your people saved and sold as souvenirs.
Finally when those of my kind are squabbling amongst themselves over who to divide the spoils of YOUR labor, I then, five hundred years later, "free" you. I allow you to go and fight, and die, on my behalf...in a senseless war to decide how the spoils of YOUR labor is to be subsequently divided, after all I can't very well allow MY people to go and die "willy-nilly" for the cause when there are your bodies there to be sacrificed now can I? You are lost, broken, defeated, illiterate, unemployable, and barely recognizable as human, but yet, still defiant, and hopeful. So I further design a system to crush that hope. 
I institute a grand society that ensures that you will never rise to the levels I was at even 400 years ago. My people have secured ALL aspects of society. There is little chance for you to ever recover and become as strong, as accomplished as I have become....for who will you murder and use like I did to get to where I am?
My people have secured ALL avenues and control all aspects of a repressive, manipulative, exploitative society. There is little chance for you to ever recover and become as strong, as accomplished as I have become....for who will you murder and use like I did to get to where I am?
I own every part of society- business, government, education, the justice system (which was originally designed to catch those of you who ran away from my brutality), politics, transportation, health, infrastructure, property ownership...EVERYTHING in that society now belongs to ME....and I have designed the system so that YOU will never catch up. I still make your living conditions horrible so you will have to sell the meager little generations of you have managed to own....I force you to move to ghettoes and buy your property for a song....pennies on the dollar. 
I still harass you, spit on you, incarcerate you at will, kill you for fun....and nothing can be done. Your name, by virtue of your color is mud. I even enact a law explicitly stating that you are not fully a human being.
There are mixed breed humans everywhere, mostly a testament to centuries of my forcible rapes of your womenfolk. Sometimes I give them the crumbs...a form of divide-and-control that breeds a new group of coons, or house slaves, eager and willing to do my bidding to survive in my new world order. I introduce narcotics by the tons, into your communities so you can further be hooked into a mental and physical form of servitude, slave to the chemical imbalances and psychological urges that I can further exploit and jail millions of your kind for. I introduce firearms into your communities so you can kill yourselves at my behest. I have destroyed you as a people, as a culture. You who were the alpha of creation have now been reduced to an international joke....all thanks to my obscene greed and unrelenting murderous rage.
As if this weren't enough, I discover that your continent from which I stole you, is super-rich, to the tunes of Trillions and BaJillions of dollars, in natural resources, so I form armies and spend another few centuries waging war, in one guise or another, invading your home countries, and extracting, at the point of the gun, the nuke the poison, the virus, the false narratives, the tanks and warships, and submarines, most of your resources.....uranium, gold, silver, platinum, crude oil, copper, mahogany, diamonds. Wow! Who would have thought your kind were from ancient lands resplendent and rich with untold trillions of dollars in these things? 
I decimate what little you have left of your political organizations, sponsoring terrorist groups to destabilize your governments. I need to have puppets in positions of power in your respective countries so I can take what I want with impunity. Those of your leaders I can bribe, I do. Those I can't, I kill mercilessly....and I don't care who knows it. 
The Mandela's, Lumumba's, Hani's, Kenyatta's, Nyerere's, Sankara's, Selassie's, Idiagbon's. Gaddafi's, Ben Bella's, Amin's, Rawling's, Mugabe's, Tutu's, are all threats to me who have to be destroyed, since they cannot be bought or coerced. I have made my doctrine of Manifest Destiny a reality. 
In truth, the description above pales in comparison with the stark reality of the destruction and death that Whites have wrought among the Black African community, the grim reality is, in fact, a million times worse, but imagine all this, as I have stated my conquests, if you will....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Now my question to you is this:
How would you feel if one of my offspring, from the lofty educated, privileged perch of generations of stolen, appropriated billions and trillions of dollars, told you 500 years later, to:
"Just get over it, and let's move on". How would you feel if much of what you heard from a brainwashed society was: "I had nothing to do with slavery. Why don't you go find my great-grandfather and ask for your promised forty mules?" How would it rest in your gut if your peers most oft stated comment was: "You are just being lazy, and you are the problem in this society". :(

Wouldn't you just want to rip his/her/their face(s) off and feed it to him/her/them?

At first, I was tempted to keep scrolling, but perhaps her previous position as the Campaign chair of the toupee-that-would-be-President made me halt, and decide to address it. After all, these are opinions at the highest level of our political discourse, and if not addressed, will continue to fester.
Sadly, even as many of different backgrounds, White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian people are joining ever-increasingly consciousness ranks to combat this kind of mentally, Kathy Miller's take remains the mindset of a majority of ill-informed, white Americans, scared of conceding their historical privilege, which is why it always needs to be addressed, and firmly shut down before it grows more legs than 240 official years of racist hate has already afforded it. Tag on another 157 years to go back to 1620 Plymouth Rock, or more pertinently, a year before that, in 1619 Jamestown, Virginia, when African slaves were hauled in to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as cotton and tobacco.
Comments like hers are why folks all over the world hate us, not because of our "way of life".
Hatred like hers is exactly why we cannot "just get over it".
Racism like hers are why tens of millions all over the world consider our citizens, powerful as the country is, as stupid, ugly Americans.
Prejudice like hers are a product of a society enamored with the lynching of Black people.
Xenophobia like hers, its blind acceptance, and infection, in our society, is why it is paramount, and necessary, to keep exposing the fallacy, idiocy, and extremism, of such views, whenever, and wherever it dares to raise its ugly head.
Time and again, we see, and hear, influential people in the vast America political collective spewing this kind of garbage. During a panel discussion, led by the MSNBC host Chris Hayes, Congressman Steve King, Republican, of Iowa, said, "Black people have never contributed anything to the development of America or the Western world" (Oh, I had fun responding to that one). Likewise, Congressman Robert Pittenger, a Republican whose district includes parts of Charlotte, on a BBC show, after the police killed Keith Scott, said, "Black people hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not". 
It wouldn't carry so much weight or be as maddening if these were ordinary run-of-the-mill folks in American society...but these are our so-called "elected officials", whose utterances are taken as gospel and spread far and wide (as if the prevalent institutionalized racism wasn't bad enough). The list is endless. 
Please read the entire text of her diatribe. Then juxtapose with my dissemination of the American history of marginalizing minorities. Most others of her ilk have similar racist, vile, offensive notions like this, but are cunning enough to keep their mouths shut. They know those who hold views such as hers are disgusting vermin, understandably hated and reviled, whose best contribution to this planet would have been the use of condoms by their parents, thus preventing their births.
I will start from point one, and run down the list, refuting her idiocy, though any sane, normal and intelligent person already knows the sad historical answers that her moronic upbringing precludes her from understanding. 
In a nutshell, allow me to expose her stupidity, and utterly destroy the widespread web of lies which upholds the racial cesspool that white-privileged Amerikkka uses to justify its repression of minorities. The very notion that anything in America has even come close to treating people who aren't of Caucasian origin, fairly, is ludicrous, perverted, and indicative of the false narratives we toil under day in-day out. I am positive her parents and grandparents benefited from one or more of the following 
1. Indentured Servitude (late 1600’s):
Indentured servitude was the earliest form of white affirmative action. Established in the late 1600s, this system replaced white European indentured servants, the original source of no-wage labor, with enslaved Black people. An article entitled “A Long History of Affirmative Action For Whites,” which was published by California Newsreel, states that “in exchange for their support and their policing of the growing slave population, lower-class Europeans won new rights, entitlements, and opportunities from the planter elite.” This phenomenon was only the beginning of the practice of white affirmative action in this country, an institution that is still very much a reality in today’s society.
2. Naturalization Act (1790):
The article released by California Newsreel describes the Naturalization Act of 1790 as legislation that “[opened] the doors to European immigrants but not others.” It did so by only allowing “free white persons” to be classified as “naturalized citizens.” As a result, only these white individuals were granted to right to vote, hold public office, and be part of a jury. In some cases, they were even permitted to own land. However, these rights would not be granted to those of Africa descent for hundreds of years.
3. Indian Removal Act (1830):
In 1830, the Indian Removal Act brought about the horrendous journey known as the Trail of Tears. The signing of the Treaty of New Echota, which resulted from a provision of the Indian Removal Act, led to the forced relocation of more than 16,000 Native Americans. Roughly one out of four travelers lost their lives to starvation, disease, or the cold weather along the way. Eastern Native Americans were forced to embark upon this journey to make room for white settlers.
4. The Homestead Act (1862):
Once the cruel act of “Indian removal” came to an end, the United States passed and enacted the Homestead Act. The act succeeding in “giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi.” The recipients of this territory were white Americans. The Homestead Act provisions distributed “10% of the total land area of the United States.”
5. California Alien Land Law (1913):
In the early 1900s, Alien Land Laws were passed in the state of California, as well as other states. These laws reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Legal limitations regarding immigration also created legalized obstacles for non-whites. The provisions of this act also gave way to the internment of more that 100,000 Japanese-Americans. Alien Land Laws served as a form of racial oppression for roughly 40 years. The McCarran-Walter Act brought this repressive phenomenon to an end in 1952. However, white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965, in fact, in reality, it remains till the present day.
6. The New Deal (1933 and 1938):
In his book, "When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America", Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History at Columbia University, conveys that economic aid was withheld from Blacks during the New Deal. In fact, roughly 65% of the Black population was “denied access to social security benefits, government grants, elderly poor assistance, and unemployment insurance,” according to a 2006 book review published by Ohio State University. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a program resulting from The New Deal, “helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today.” This is due to the fact that it made it possible for millions of average white Americans, but not others, to own a home for the first time. In fact, for the next 30 years following the implementation of the New Deal, more than 98% of the $120 billion in home loans granted by the United States government went to white individuals. To this day, the racist financial setbacks put into place by the New Deal are affecting the financial affairs of Black families.
7. The Wagner Act (1935):
The Wagner Act of 1935 granted white labor unions permission to practice collective bargaining. The act helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. Furthermore, the Wagner Act also legalized the racist exclusion of Black people from labor unions. As a result, they were denied access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. The racist practice was the status quo amongst labor unions until the 1970s.
8. The G.I. Bill of Rights (1944):
According to Katznelson’s book, Black American veterans were denied many liberties granted by the G.I. Bill. In fact, he argues that the law was “deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow.” This is due to the fact that Southern political officials ensured that the G.I. Bill of Rights was implemented by local white racist leaders, as opposed to the federal government. In doing so, thousands of Black veterans in the South, and the North as well, were denied housing and business loans, as well as admission to whites-only colleges and universities, according to an article released by The New York Times. In addition they were not allowed to participate in “job-training programs for careers in promising new fields like radio and electrical work, commercial photography and mechanics.” As a result, these Black veterans were subject to “low-paying ‘[Black] jobs’ and small [Black] colleges, which were pitifully underfinanced and ill equipped to meet the needs of a surging enrollment of returning soldiers.”
9. Labor Laws Regulating Unionizing (The National Labor Relations Act- The Fair Labor Standards Act- The Taft-Hartley Act):
The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 was passed in 1935, while the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938. Both acts contained provisions that purposely “exempted agricultural and domestic labor” from unionizing, according to the 2006 Ohio State University book review of "When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America". As a result, white workers were able to unify and make workforce advances while those who worked within the sectors of agriculture and domestic labor, which overwhelmingly consisted of Black workers, were “left to languish in further poverty.” Furthermore, when Black workers began to make labor-related strides during the Second World War, the Taft-Hartley Act was passed by the Republican Party in 1947. Under the guidelines of this act, “the burgeoning connections between civil rights agitation and demands for economic equality” was severed.
10. The Fair Deal (1945 to 1953):
According to the review released by Ohio State University, President Truman’s "Fair Deal", just as President Roosevelt’s "New Deal", “secured the social well-being of white ethnic groups.” In addition, the article released by The New York Times argues that, when compared to the white counterparts, Black Americans under the Fair Deal were worse off in regards to the “educational achievement, quality of jobs and housing, and attainment of higher income.” Just like the New Deal, the Fair Deal served the purpose of “widening the gap between white and [Black] Americans.”
11. Executive Order 10925 (1961):
The legal policy of affirmative action for Blacks did not come into play until the early 1960s with an executive order issued by the late President John F. Kennedy. Yet, the years following the implementation of the policy showed that affirmative action benefited the minority group of white women more than it did Blacks. This reality was made possible by the 1967 amendment of Kennedy’s executive order; the change added sex to the list of characteristics that were not to be discriminated against. As a result, “data and studies suggest women, white women in particular, have benefited disproportionately,” according to a 2013 article released by Time. In fact, a 1995 study confirms that “6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”
And there are many more......
All along the Nazi-like historical path of Caucasian-American societal development, corpses litter the way courtesy of the 1646 Law which made religious heresy punishable by death, the 1662 Law which recognized slavery as a hereditary and lifelong condition, the 1696 Law which excused any white person who killed a slave while carrying out a punishment, Virginia’s 1705 Law which explicitly defined all blacks, mixed or otherwise as slaves forever, the 1756 Scalp Act in which Governor Robert Norris put a perpetual bounty on the scalps of Indian women and children, the 1790 Law which allowed citizenship for whites only, the 1857 Dred Scott Decision which proclaimed that Black people had no rights a white person was bound to respect, and would never be citizens of the United States, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which allowed white settlers to steal Indian land and livestock with impunity, displacing the owners in the infamous Trail of Tears genocidal trek, the 1863 Miscegenation Law which forbade intermarriage and interracial sex between whites and other races, the 1881 Chinese Exclusion Law, and the literally millions of lesser known racially-based laws in redlined, redistricted zones, cities, states, towns, municipalities, corporations and neighborhoods all across America, which historically has decided who gets to be elected into what positions of power and how much-needed resources are allocate. The racially-based inequality in how, and where these resources end up being allocated, have been a testament to the culture of prejudice and inequality for which America, unfortunately, is best known.
So, Kathy Miller, (and the millions like her)....shut the fuck up.



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