Septimus Severus, his dreadlocked soldiers known as the "Illyrian legions", amongst other Africans who ruled over Ancient Rome and Europe. 

Ask yourselves why this information is not readily taught in your colleges and high schools? Perhaps, Caucasians detest the realistic depiction of history, the recounting of true history, showing that white people, historically, were dominated, ruled by Moors. Perhaps they feel the need to erase from history, the true nature of their scavenging ways, the need to borrow, steal, revise and appropriate the cultures of others while simultaneously denigrating them. Ask yourself why is it that on so many of the ancient artifacts that are discovered, the AFricoid noses are the prominent and significant parts destroyed? Ask yourselves why most of this information is not public knowledge. Open your eyes and see reality for what it is. History is written by the victors they say.....well, in this case, the shame of having been ruled by Africans is so deep that not only did they attempt, unsuccessfully, to erase Africa from history, but returned to ravage the continent in a mindless, savage, brutal rape and pillaging that endured for centuries. Answers are needed to these questions. Perhaps a limited recounting of certain events will help point you towards the answers you seek........

In Europe references to blacks was a positive sign of strength and military power. Still today you can find many blacks in coat of arms for towns all over Europe, central, south and north, dating back to the middle ages. Snowden in "Blacks in Antiquity" (1971) has proven that there was no racism as we know it today. The Greeks were aware that Egypt was the source of their civilization and did not have rules against race-mixing. They understood black skin only as an adaptation to environment, and they looked up to Africans, as blameless. Africans were the favourites of the Olympian gods, who would spend 11 days each year to feast with the Africans. The war God Mars was represented as a black man.
Pope St. Victor I (189-199), Pope St. Miltiades (311-314), and Pope St. Gelasius I (492-496) were all Popes in the early Catholic church, and all three hailed from Africa. While their exact ancestry is unknown, there is enough evidence to determine that they were not of Roman descent, i.e. they were Black.
It is therefore interesting that none of this is required learning in American higher institutes of learning....even in History courses. Don't YOU find that strange?
32,000 BC:
The Venus of Willendorf figurines are some of the oldest carvings in Europe. Dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, around 32,000 BC, they are found in countries such as Austria and France.
1897 BC:
Egyptian King Senwosret colonizes Greece and founded Athens. The ancient Mediterranean has long been home to Africans. In ancient Greece Africans figured prominently into many aspects of society and contact between the two groups was frequent. Black types can be found as early as Minoan Crete and are mentioned frequently in later Grecian writings. The Greek historian Herodotus stated, "Almost all of the names of the gods came into Greece from Egypt...The Egyptians were the first to introduce solemn assemblies, processions, and litanies to the gods, all of which the Greeks were taught to use." The relationship of several Greek deities to African deities has long been noted. Examples include the following: Athena to Neith; Hermes to Thoth; Hesphatus to Ptah. It is also Herodotus who tells us of the legend which lists the Egyptian king Sewosret (Seosteris I, II, or III) as the colonizer of Greece and founder of Athens.
690 BC:
Nubian Taharka leads forces into Spain.....
218 BC:
During the Second Punic War, Hannibal had arrived at the Alps. His soldiers are said to have stretched for more than eight miles at the Alps, the foothills of the Roman Empire. Hannibal's army of 100,000 men would trek and fight 1,500 miles to arrive at the Alps from Spain. Hannibal armies included Numidians, North Africans from an area roughly where Algeria now draws its boundaries. The Numidians were known as master horsemen who could guide their horses with their knees, leaving their hands free to use swords and throw javelins.They had fought attacks from European tribes like the Gauls.
256 BC - AD 253:
Thousands of Africans serve in Roman Army.
202 BC:
Carthaginian Hannibal defeats Rome. 
193 AD- 235 AD
Septimus Severus was a Numidian African Moor from North Africa. He was the founder and ancestor of all the members of the Severan Dynasty. The Severan Dynasty, began with the accession to the throne of Septimius Severus in 193 C.E. In actuality, Septimius shared the throne for two years with a certain Pesennius Niger, a black Italian, (Muurish career officer from Italy), whose family roots probably stretched to the Niger bend in the Sahara, probably the present day Nigeria or Mali.
Records state that Septimius was born in Leptis Magna on the North African coast (modern day Libya) on April 11, 146 C.E. Septimius was not just born in Africa. Numerous pictures, busts and statues of him show him to be Black. 

“Septimius Severus was the first Roman emperor not born and raised in Italy. His father’s family originally came from Libya (Leptis Magna) and his mother’s family were Etruscans (Italian).
His grandfather, a Moorish knight of the Roman empire, owned land near Rome, but Septimius had grown up in Libya, Africa with his father.”
Because Septimius’s family were highly placed Roman citizens, he was entitled to be educated in Rome. Upon graduation he became a lawyer and practised briefly in Rome. His family background, education and experience placed him within a strong network of influence and privilege. He had solid support and patronage within the highest ranks of the empire.
He became a Roman senator at the age of 18 years upon an imperial appointment sanctioned by Marcus Aureilus in 175 AD.
He then joined the imperial legion, as an officer. From the age of 24 he took part in campaigns in Spain, Syria, Gaul, Sicily and Athens. Soon he had attained the rank of a military commander in the imperial legion, and became a member of the Praetorian Guards.
He also served as the governor of Gallia Lugdunensis and Sicily and, towards the end of Commodus’ reign, he was made consul in AD 190.
He is even said to have built a marble tomb for Hannibal Barca.....early Rome's African nemesis.
Among other things, Septimius had a mighty arch constructed in the Roman Forum and even journeyed back to Africa, including Egypt, around 203 C.E. Can you imagine Emperor Septimius sailing on the Nile? Imagine what he might have thought as he gazed at the pyramids and walked through the Karnak and Luxor temples. 
After a distinguished career often characterized by one military exploit after another, Septimius died conducting yet another military campaign, this one in York in Britain, on February 4, 211 C. E. at the age of sixty-five, after a reign of seventeen years, eight months and three days..
“Septimius married Julia Domna, a Syrian, daughter of a high priest. The name Domna is derived from the archaic Arabic word dumayna, meaning ‘Black’.....and was succeeded in 211 by his sons Lucius Septimius Geta (211-212 C.E.) and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus a.k.a. Caracalla (211-217 C.E.). They were in turn followed by Marcus Opellius Macrinus (217-218 C.E.) and Heliogabalus (218-222 C.E.), and then Severus Alexander (222-235 C.E.), with whose reign the dynasty culminated and who restored the Roman Coliseum to its ancient status. 
This line is known as the Severan Dynasty and the National Roman Museum busts and statues and sculptures of the representatives of this dynasty strongly testify to their African identity. They are powerful images and like the statues and busts and sculptures of ancient Egypt, the noses were missing on all of them save one of Septimius' son, Caracalla. And the face adorning the bust of Severus Alexander, the last member of the dynasty, is even more Africoid looking than that of Septimius Severus, the dynasty's founder.
As should be obvious to anyone with any knowledge of Roman history, black people in generally were the foundation of the demographics of Rome. It is generally known that the kingdom that preceded Rome, Etruria, was basically built by a black and brown people who had immigrated to the Roman peninsula via North Africa.
Roman empire thus had many prominent black people, some being aboriginal Europeans, otherwise known as European Moors, others came from Anatolia from the regions of Smyrna, Sardis, Cappodocia and Syria. Many of the ancient Bishops of the Orthodox Church were from this branch of black people, and their iconic images still exist today to bear testimony to their ethnicity.
One also had Moors from Africa, Ethiopia and Libya. Moorish Africans from Morocco, from Egypt, as far as the present day Nigerbend countries like Nigeria and Mali were also prominent in the Roman empire. Many were landed aristocracy like the family of Septimius Severus, (and others such as Gaius Nigrinus etc).
Rome actively sought out the Moorish Africans because they were the founts of knowledge, religion and culture. Egyptian and Ethiopian priest presided over the shrines of Isis, which were prevalent all over the Roman empire.
Engineering geniuses from Alexandria, from Thebes, Egypt and others from Kart Hadash, from Meroe, and Abbyssinia all flocked Rome because there was a sore need of them in the construction and finishing of the imperial building projects.
Master stone cutters of Nubia and Ethiopia, master stone masons of Egypt and Libya, master builders of Anatolia, Cretes, Cyprus, Malta and southern Greece, all black, all children of Africa, were the real builders of the cities of the Roman Empire. It was almost comparable to how black people built the Americas, just that in Roman, those builders were celebrated nobility, whereas in the case of the Americas, they were degraded, exploited, and murdered en masse, as slaves. (Which is why it is generally said that ancient Romans invented nothing new, but simply built on the foundations of more sophisticated and more ancient civilizations).
The point cannot be overemphasized. The Africans were foundational to the building and the expansion and the success of Rome. Thus, at the time of Septimius Severus, the African Moors had gotten so influential and so numerous in the Empire that it was only a matter of time before they would take over the reigns of command.
In those days, there were lots of discontentment with the politics of the day, both amongst the commoners and the elites. Rome was being ruled by a carry over from the days of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Emperor Commodus, who was hated by everyone including those entrusted to protect him.
In the military, African Moors had become so strategically important that they even had a circle which determined the overarching contours of the empire’s military politics. It was a shadow government of sorts that ruled Rome from behind the curtains. This secret group of Moorish politicians and military officers were sick and tired of Emperor Commodus and had resolved to get rid of him one way or the other.
Right at the heart of the midst of the plot to kill Emperor Commodus, was an African friend of Severus’ called Laetus. He was the then current grand master of the secret cabal that ruled Rome. Laetus was the Praetorian Prefect. The Praetorian Prefect was the head of the palace guards that protected the person of the Emperor. The palace guard was a legion of elite soldiers, trained to the highest standard who maintained the security of the Imperial circle. Thus next to the Emperor himself, the office of the praetorian prefect was the most powerful pedestal for affecting events in the empire.
In those treacherous days, when plots swirled in dark alleys of Rome, and the dogs hung in the shadows waiting for the moment the prey lost its wariness, and every walls had ears, Prefect Laetus could not afford to be caught with his guards down. Many had been so caught and had paid the ultimate price. So, Laetus placed people he could rely on in key positions of the empire. And so his friend and African brother Septimus Severus was put in place as governor of Upper Pannonia and the commander of the imperial legion.
Pannonia was a province of the Roman Empire, corresponding to present-day western Hungary and parts of eastern Austria, as well as portions of several Balkan states, primarily Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia (Vojvodina). The Pannonians were mainly Illyrians, but there were some Celts in the western part of the province.
The army commanded by Septimius Severus in Pannonia was no odinary one. For one it was mostly composed of a corp of crack Moorish soldiers recurited in Mauritania and the Niger bend. They were all dreadlocked soldiers. They were known as the Illyrian legions.
Master horse men, like those immortalized by Emperor Trajan in the Trajan’s Column’s artwork, they were the striking edge of the imperial army. They were the cavalry riders of the Maghreb tearing through the wind on their “Arabian breed horses”, they were the master bow-men of Nubia, they were the toughest and the most fearsome battallion that the Roman legion ever deployed in battle.
They were the soldiers that pacified Pannonia, including Moeria, Bulgaria, Solvenia, Romania, Albania and the rest of central Europe. They brought peace, order and government to those regions. They protected them from the depredations of the barbarian Goths, and the slavs, the teutonics and the Alanics.
Laetus further positioned his other Moorish proteges like Pescennius Niger, a black Italian, (Moorish career officer from Italy), whose family roots probably stretched to the Niger bend in the Sahara, probably the present day Nigeria or Mali, and Clodius Albinus, another African from North Africa, into very powerful positions. Although named Albinus, meaning fair skin, Clodius was a black African muur. It be be recognized that fair skin Africans are as numeorus as dark skin Africans in North and North West Africa.
Niger was the made the overall commander of the eastern legion based in Egypt and Syria. Part of this eastern legion was the Theban legion famed in history for its awesome deeds in battle. It competed with the Pannonian Illyrian legion for the title of the toughest and the fiercest of the Roman imperial legions.
Clodius was made the commander of the legions in Britain. Britain was a backwater province of Rome, but it was strategic in that it was isolated from the rest of Europe and always had a tendency to being a power unto itself. It was full of restive tribes constantly testing the battle readiness of the Roman army. Thus the battle readiness of British based Roman troops were never in doubt.
Other commanders, and politicians too many to be named were equally dispersed and strategically positioned by this circle of African conspirators as they manouvered with those in opposition for the ultimate prize in Rome, the Imperial crown.
The plot to kill Commodus succeeded, for soon he was dead. Pertinax became the next emperor. Pertinax himself did not last very long, as he was murdered himself shortly after assuming the throne.
After Pertinax was murdered, Didius Julianus bought the throne from the Praetorian guard. The hidden hand of the African grandmaster, Laetus, was soon discovered and he was arrested, tried and summarily executed for his involvement with the murder of Commodus. The palace continued its purge of Laetus’ proteges, and appointees.
It was time for the African brotherhood of Rome to strike a death blow against the the current regime. There was a haste to it as their grand master had just been summarily executed and the executioner was coming for the rest of them, eventually.
The three main people who had been placed in powerful positions by Laetus all found it was time to act. The three were Severus, Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus. The coup plot and the plotters were ready. However, their interest and their ultimate aims differed.
Severus had himself proclaimed emperor by his troops at Carnuntum in what is now Austria, in AD 193. He appeared to have the support of the Roman senate in Rome, in doing so. Meanwhile, Pescennius Niger was hailed emperor by his troops in the east. Clodius Albinus did not take such a drastic step. He waited in the wings and bided his time.
But Septimus sensing the danger that Clodius posed, and the advantage his cooperation would bring him, quickly neutralized Clodius Albinus, by offering him the position of Ceasar (junior co-emperor). The offer was only made with the intention of buying time for Severus.
Clodius Albinus was led to believe that he would be a co-emperor with Severus albeit in a junior role, and that he would be Severus’ successor in the event of death.
Clodius apparently accepted this offer leaving Severus free to make a rapid advance on Rome. On hearing news of his approach against Rome with no less than 16 legions under his command, all opposition against him within the capital city simply crumbled.
As earlier observed, the Moorish circle within the Roman government had Senators as well as military men in its network working to advance the coup d’tat. Recall that even Severus’ grandfather was a member of the Roman senate and an elite in the Roman imperial circles. Thus, shortly before the arrival of Severus army at Rome, the fifth columnist in this Muurish brotherhood arrested Emperor Julianus. He was then tried and indeed sentenced to death by the senate. He was thereafter executed in his deserted palace.
Once he arrived in Rome, Severus had all those involved in the murder of Pertinax, and Laetus executed.
Severus also trebled the number of the city cohorts (the police of Rome) and doubled the fire brigade (vigiles) in order to increase the city’s security.
Severus disbanned the Praetorian guard which had proved such a threat to many emperors. Its members were banished from Rome. He replaced them with a force double in size. This was a force of his own men drawn from his army especially the famous Danubian legions made up of fierce Moorish horsemen.
As was the custom with new Emperors, and to raise morale in his army (his institutional power base), he increased their pay from three hundred to five hundred denarii a year.
Meanwhile, the second Black, Roman co-Emperor, Pescennius Niger (193 – 194 C.E.), had been declared the Emperor in the East and he appeared to be making moves to march his army to Rome. A civil war loomed in the horizon.
“Now when the confusion in the state was at its height, inasmuch as it was made known that there were three potential emperors, Septimius Severus, Pescennius Niger, and Clodius Albinus, the Delphic Oracle was consulted.
The Priest of the Delphic Apollo was asked which of them as Emperor would prove of most profit to the state, whereupon, it is said, he gave voice to a Greek verse as follows:
“Best is the Dark One, the African good, but the worst is the Albino (light skin) One.”
And in this response it was clearly understood that Niger was meant by the Dark One, Severus by the African, and Albinus by the Albino or fair skin One.
Thereupon the curiosity of the questioners was further stirred, and they asked of the Oracle who would really win the empire. To this the priest replied with further verses as follows:
“Both of the Dark and the Light skin Ones shall the life-blood be shed all untimely;
Empire over the world shall be held by the Moor, the native of Carthage.”
Having firmly established himself at Rome and knowing his western borders toward Albinus secured with his grant of the caesarship, Severus then moved eastwards to deal with the challenge posed him by Pescennius Niger.
In AD 194 Severus Severus crushed Niger’s forces at Issus on the very plain on which Alexander the Great had defeat Darius some 500 years earlier.
The supporters of Niger were suppressed, many of them fleeing to the Parthians, who had helped Niger in his fight.
In order that no future governors of Syria should ever proclaim themselves Emperor, the powerful province was split in two; Coele-Syria and Phoenicia.
There is preserved, a poetic eulogy in Greek which, rendered into Latin, runs as follows:
“Glorious Niger stands here, the dread of the soldiers of Egypt,
Faithful ally of Thebes, willing a golden age.
Loved by the kings and the nations of earth, and by Rome the all golden,
Dear to the Antonines, aye, dear to the Empire too.
Black is the surname he bears, and black is the statue we’ve fashioned,
Thus do surname and hue, hero and marble, agree.”
Severus refused to erase the poetic eulogy when this was proposed by his prefects and advisers. He had replied that as follows: 
“If indeed he was such a man, let all men learn how great was the man we vanquished; if such he was not, let all men deem that such was the man we vanquished; no, leave it as it is, for such he really was.””
Soon after these events, Severus now turned his attention to Clodius Albinus, his other African rival for the throne of the Romans.
Imagine...these were all Black men, deciding the fate of the Roman Empire. These are historical narratives of significance that are not readily taught in any history curriculum.......
He set out on a series of provactive acts to disquiet Clodius Albinus, and finally declared his elder son Caracalla to be Caesar and therefore his heir late in AD 195. This was clearly a unilateral revocation of the subsisting agreement between him and Albinus, where-under Albinus was the Ceasar and was understood to be the successor to the throne.
In effect it was a veiled challenge and Albinus took it up. In AD 196 Albinus had himself hailed Augustus, and the Emperor by his troops. He left Britain, set out across the channel into Gaul with 40,000 men, collecting more forces as he moved on towards Rome.
Severus, having only briefly returned to Rome in AD 196-7, in January AD 197, set out for his power base on the Danube, where he had stationed some of his best and most loyal African army troops. From there in Pannonia he began a march west, through Noricum, Raetia, Upper Germany and Gaul, gathering troops as he went.
The huge armies had a skirmish first at Tinurtium. Severus achieved victory. But the manouvering continued.
The full battle followed at Lugdunum (Lyons) on 19 February AD 197. It was a very close battle. At one point Severus was knocked down from his horse and almost lost his life.
The battle hung in the balance for a long time, but alas Severus’ side won. Clodius Albinus fled into the town of Lugdunum (Lyons) where he committed suicide rather than be captured alive.
The province Britain was thereafter, like Niger’s Syrian province, divided into two parts; Britannia Superior and Inferior, with the capital of one in London, and the other in York, to prevent the occurrence of another rebellion.
Now, Severus attentions once more turned back to Parthia. The war was brief, for Parthia was weak at the time. By the end of AD 197 the capital Ctesiphon was captured.
Thereafter Mesopotamia was once more annexed as a province of the Roman empire, except for the city of Hatra. This strategic fortress city was besieged twice without success, denying Severus complete domination of the Mesopotamia regions.
Severus was one of the outstanding imperial builders. He built a very large number of ceremonial buildings – and inscribed on them his own name to remind future generations of his works. His most famous work was the Triumphal Arch of Severus at the Forum of Rome, which was erected to bear witness to his reign.
It can be said that Severus brought grand architecture to Rome in a big way. His home town Leptis Magna served as an example of the finest pieces of Roman architecture and urban planning. Many of the biggest, most lavish and most important structures built over the 500 years of imperial Rome were commissioned by Severus and his dynasty. They set a style which was copied through out the life of the empire.
Many of Severus’ grand buildings echoed the architectural styles of the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Meorites, the Syrians, and the Carthaginians, and the so-called classical Greek styles. He brought a synthesis of the North African grand and ancient celebrated architectural designs to Rome.
The triumphal arch for example echoes many versions of such archs found in Carthage, in Mauritania and Morocco, and in Egypt. It is generally called the Muurish gate, and versions of it can be regularly seen anywhere on earth where any population of Moors settled and became prominent.
In AD 208 Severus left for Britain to subdue the restive tribes of Celts who had refused to surrender to the hegemonic power of the empire.
He built a large military army and conducted campaigns deep into Scotland. However he could not bring the restive tribes under control and a relentless guerilla war kept going on.
With the campaigns to conquer the Caledonian territories not being of any lasting success, Hadrian’s Wall instead was reconstructed, this time in stone, to defend the frontier.
Emperor Severus fell ill at Eburacum (York), where he died at the age of sixty-six (4 February AD 211).
His sons Caracalla and Geta brought an end to any military campaigns into the Scotland which were still underway and then set out home, carrying the ashes of their father to Rome, where they were laid to rest in the Mausoleum of Hadrian. Soon after he was deified by the senate.
Severus Septimus was succeeded by his sons Caracalla and Geta, and that began the long lasting and highly influential Severan dynasty of Rome.
‘Keep on good terms with each other,’ is said to have been his last advice to his sons, ‘be generous to the soldiers, and take no heed of anyone else !”
Of all the Roman Emperors, he is the most significant because he was the game changer.
His reign marked the imperial epogee of Rome, in terms of geographical expansion and massive construction.
Septimus Severus, one could say was one of the greatest Emperors if not the greatest Emperor of Rome.
He was from Libya. A Numidian, African Moor by birth.
Never forget......brown skin and woolly hair! 
98-117 AD:
African soldiers, specifically identified as Moors, were actively recruited for Roman military service and were stationed in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Many of these Africans rose to high rank. Lusius Quietus, for example, was one of Rome's greatest generals and was named by Roman Emperor Trajan (98-117 C.E.) as his successor. Quietus is described as a "man of Moorish race and considered the ablest soldier in the Roman army."
711-1492 AD:
Islamic Africans invade and descendants of the Black Moors ruled Spain for 700 years when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula ‘Andalus' (Spain under the Visigoths). 
A European scholar sympathetic to the Spaniards remembered the conquest in this way:
[T]he reins of their (Moors) horses were as fire, their faces black as pitch, their eyes shone like burning candles, their horses were swift as leopards and the riders fiercer than a wolf in a sheepfold at night . . . The noble Goths [the German rulers of Spain to whom Roderick belonged] were broken in an hour, quicker than tongue can tell. Oh luckless Spain!
[Quoted in Edward Scobie, "The Moors and Portugal's Global Expansion, in Golden Age of the Moor", ed Ivan Van Sertima, US, Transaction Publishers, 1992, p.336].
The Moors, who ruled Spain for 800 years, introduced new scientific techniques to Europe, such as an astrolabe, a device for measuring the position of the stars and planets. Scientific progress in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Philosophy flourished in Moorish Spain. 
Basil Davidson, one of the most noted historians recognized and declared that there were no lands at that time (the eighth century) "more admired by its neighbours, or more comfortable to live in, than a rich African civilization which took shape in Spain"
At its height, Córdova, the heart of Moorish territory in Spain, was the most modern city in Europe. The streets were well-paved, with raised sidewalks for pedestrians. During the night, ten miles of streets were well illuminated by lamps. (This was hundreds of years before there was a paved street in Paris or a street lamp in London.) Cordova had 900 public baths - we are told that a poor Moor would go without bread rather than soap!
The Great Mosque of Córdoba (La Mezquita) is still one of the architectural wonders of the world in spite of later Spanish disfigurements. Its low scarlet and gold roof, supported by 1,000 columns of marble, jasper and and porphyry, was lit by thousands of brass and silver lamps which burned perfumed oil.
Education was universal in Moorish Spain, available to all, while in Christian Europe 99% of the population were illiterate, and even Kings could neither read nor write. At that time, Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen great universities! These were located in Almeria, Cordova, Granada, Juen, Malaga, Seville, and Toledo.
Over 4,000 Arabic words and Arabic-derived phrases have been absorbed into the Spanish language. Words beginning with "al," for example, are derived from Arabic. Arabic words such as algebra, alcohol, chemistry, nadir, alkaline, and cipher entered the language. Even words such as checkmate, influenza, typhoon, orange, and cable can be traced back to Arabic origins.
The most significant Moorish musician was known as Ziryab (the Blackbird) who arrived in Spain in 822. The Moors introduced earliest versions of several instruments, including the Lute or "El Oud", the Guitar or Kithara and the Lyre. Ziryab changed the style of eating by breaking meals into separate courses, beginning with soup and ending with desserts.
The African Moors introduced paper to Europe and Arabic numerals, which replaced the clumsy Roman system.
The African Moors introduced many new crops including the orange, lemon, peach, apricot, fig, sugar cane, dates, ginger and pomegranate as well as saffron, sugar cane, cotton, silk and rice which remain some of Spain's main products today.
The Moorish rulers lived in sumptuous palaces, while the monarchies of Germany, France, and England dwelt in big barns, with no windows and no chimneys, and with only a hole in the roof for the exit of smoke. One such Moorish palace ‘Alhambra' (literally "the red one") in Granada is one of Spain's architectural masterpieces. Alhambra was the seat of Muslim rulers from the 13th century to the end of the 15th century. Today, the Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ask why is that so......
It was through Africa that the new knowledge of China, India, and Arabia reached Europe. The Moors brought the Compass from China into Europe.
The Moors ruled and occupied Lisbon (named "Lashbuna" by the Moors) and the rest of the country until well into the twelfth century. They were finally defeated and driven out by the forces of King Alfonso Henriques. The scene of this battle was the Castelo de Sao Jorge or the 'Castle of St. George'.
827 AD:
Moors begin invasion of Sicily and Rome.......
1507 AD:
There were numerous Moors at the Court of King James IV of Scotland. One of them was "Helenor", who, in the Court Accounts, was possibly Ellen More, incidentally was also called "Black Elen." There were at least two other Black Moorish women of the royal court who held positions of some status as they are said to have had maidservants and expensive gowns. There is also mention of a "Nageir the More." In 1501 one of the King's Minstrels was Peter the Moryen or Moor, who is described as Black.
After James IV's death at Flodden in 1513 during the Franco-Scottish invasion of England, fewer references to Africans appear in the accounts. Interestingly, however, in 1594, during the reign of James VI, a richly attired Black Moor was paid to help pull the chariots during celebrations to mark the birth of James's eldest son, Henry Frederick. Nothing more is known about this man except that he lived in Edinburgh.
[For more on James IV and Margaret Tudor, see:]
Never forget, Ancient Rome Was Civilized By Africans. While it is trite to say that the Romans were no great innovators of culture, they mostly copied the so-called “Hellenistic” and Egyptian high cultures. Yes, Rome may have conquered others physically, but she was conquered, and dominated, culturally. 
The religion of the Romans, their gods, their rites originally came from Egypt. There were 5000 year old Egyptian equivalents of Roman gods, 5000 years before Rome was built. The cultural centre of the Roman Empire was Egypt, specifically Alexandria. There one had the books, the rites, the tradition and the ancient mystery disciplines that had been honned and developed thousands of years before Rome. Up till this day, the arts and sciences encapsulated in those books, are fundamental to the successful construction and sustanance of any human society. It is no wonder that the great Library of Alexandria was burnt to the ground.
The Greeks who heavily influenced Rome, were at the outset a colony of Egyptians and Phoenicians (neighbours to Egyptians), all from Africa. The first and earliest civilizations of the Creteans, Maltans, Pelasgians, Ionians, and Therans came from Africa. The populace were predominantly African. It was only thousands of years later that the Dorians appeared and plunged Greece into the dark ages, before it was eventually revived again by Black Egyptian colonists. 
Solon the first law giver in Athens was a product of the Egyptian mystery school. Pythagoras one of the greastest Greeks that ever lived was a product of Egyptian mystery school. Socrates and Aristotle were long represented as dark-skinned Afro-Greeks by the Arabs, the Saracens, and the Turks, long before North-West Europe became ancient Greek fans. Greek language, culture and so-called attainments all came from Egypt, contrary to what you may have been told in government schools. 
Try find the books written by Martin Bernal: "The Black Athena; and Prof George J. James: Stolen Civilization", Godfrey Higgins in his book, "Anacalypsis", as well as books by Gerald Massey, Drussila Houston: "The Wonderful Ethiopians of the ancient Cushitic Empire", understand this very important point. You will come to see that Rome started off as a colony or vassal of the Kartha Hadashians (Carthage). We need not go back to the beginning of the 5 million year old skeleton, Lucy, to see that Africa has long been the source of the world's nourishment. 
Sadly, we now live in a world where Western-European Caucasians in general and Rothschild-Zionist-orchestrated, white privileged America, in particular, has reduced the world to its own very scavenging fish bowl......


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