However, the fact remains that the role of Black people has been almost totally scrubbed and removed from the history books as much of our contributions usually are. To efficiently dominate a people, you must first deny, denigrate, demean and destroy their contributions to society. Then they are at your mercy. That is why most Africans today are either Christian or Muslim.

"Black cowboys often had the job of breaking horses that hadn't been ridden much," says Mike Searles, a retired professor of history at Augusta State University.
I wish to take three positions about the subject.
My first position is that I believe the word "Cowboy" originates from the English language. My second position is that there is no such thing as a first ethnic Cowboy in the American West. The American West Cowboy is a product of a cultural synthesis. My third position is in order to understand the American West Cowboy one must understand the history of the cattle industry in the Americas, which I plan to touch on briefly.

The word "Cowboy" exists in medieval Ireland according to a PBS article (www.pbs.org/speak/words/trackthatword), which also mentions the tracking of the word to the American Revolution and referred to any Tory, or American colonist who supported the British Crown by stealing cattle from the colonial rebels. This is where we began with the evolution of the word into American English.
As for the evolution of the word "Cowboy' into the history of American slaves, there is every reason to believe that the word became the prevalent address for cattle industry laborers who were subjugated or deemed servants of English cattle owners.

So regarding my first point, African-American slaves who worked with cattle inherited the title "cowboy" from the English language, and though the word did not arise as a result of American slavery, it certainly impacted the black race directly as a result of a prevailing tendency to assign the most degrading, denigrating terms of address towards Black people.

Diverse herding cultures existed on nearly every continent before Columbus brought the first European cattle to the Caribbean, and I have to leave the door open about that since the possibility of Nordic cattle being brought by the Vikings might exist earlier than Columbus. I also am including herding and hunting techniques of Native Americans and the Buffalo as a pre-American cowboy cultural attribute. Both branding cattle and bullfighting finds its Spanish roots in Africa, but the issue is how this multi-cultural synthesis created the American term "cowboy".

Texas seems to be the gradient factor between the Anglo-American colonial cattle culture and the Spanish-American colonial cattle culture, although Louisiana was equally important. It is reasonable to recognize Texas as a beginning for the American Western Cowboy, especially when we address the issue of the American slave cowboy, but other avenues of cultural exchange were activated after the Mexican Revolution, including the Santa Fe Trail trade, Irish refugees arriving from the Potato Famine, Prussian refugees fleeing Otto von Bismark's consolidation of the German state and contact with Native-American horse cultures.

John Ware, Canada's Legendary Cowboy (1845-1905):
".....to keep these cattle going the right direction, it was important that the lead cattle head in the direction the cattlemen wanted them to go. It isn't quite like herding cats, but in a wide open land, it is not an easy task. One tactic was to fire a shot across the snoot of the lead cattle to make it turn. If that didn't work, the cowboy had to run in front of the cattle and force it to turn, a very dangerous and life threatening act if the steer didn't behave. But this was the sort of things that John Ware did during his drive north."
Another unique marker of the American West Cowboy was language and music. It was the time when Alpine yodeling met the African banjo and the Spanish guitar and the grandchild of the Italian violin, the fiddle. A time when Irish ballads met "The Yellow Rose Of Texas," a song that musicologists believe was written about an African-American woman and may have been written by an African-American soldier from Tennessee:

- In Search of the "Yellow Rose of Texas" by Mark Whitelaw.
(http://www.dfw.net/~amaranth/yellow.htm )
(http://www.dfw.net/~amaranth/yellow.htm )
Finally, I'll close this section with an excerpt regarding Cowboy Western music:
'How Cowboy Songs Got Started' by Tom Faigin:
"... First of all, these songs were group products or projects, not the work of one individual. The melodies were borrowed from older melodies and modified to fit the needs of the cowboys in their daily struggles. English and Scottish ballads, Irish reels, Negro spirituals, German art songs and sentimental popular songs of the day were all grist for the cowboy "song mill". "
'How Cowboy Songs Got Started' by Tom Faigin:
"... First of all, these songs were group products or projects, not the work of one individual. The melodies were borrowed from older melodies and modified to fit the needs of the cowboys in their daily struggles. English and Scottish ballads, Irish reels, Negro spirituals, German art songs and sentimental popular songs of the day were all grist for the cowboy "song mill". "

Taxes were sometimes collected in livestock, and governments constantly complained about livestock taxes being paid with lean animals. Early Colonists were not known as good agriculturalists, they were business people, hypocritically pious people and government people. Recruitments were solicited back to Europe for people who knew agriculture, and they soon came, but in the mean time, Native Americans were employed either through slavery or cooperation to assist the colonist, and soon Africans with known skills, both free and enslaved, arrived to complete the Colonial cattle industry labor force. After the American Revolution, the cattle industry can be identified with such notables as George Washington, who owned Red Devon, milking cattle and owned a plantation largely worked with slave labor, though Washington was reported to have purchased and traded things from his slaves.

In order to fairly demonstrate that neither the American Cowboy nor Mexican Vaquero enjoyed a glamorous economic status, I include this excerpt regarding the Vaquero:

"...Slowly, ranching haciendas began to replace the government as focal points of social, economic, and political life. As the hacendados (ranch owners) became more powerful, the system took a step backward toward the feudal system of Europe, since the hacendados basically ruled over everyone within the boundaries of the hacienda. Haciendados attempted to cut expenses by lowering wages for the vaqueros and enforcing a system of credit at the hacienda store, through which many vaqueros became "bonded" servants to the hacienda. Some vaqueros were even born into a life of debt incurred by their fathers, and many went through life never seeing their wages, which were simply credited to their store accounts."
In later years, "Mail-Order Cowboy" was used as a derogatory term used to chide tenderfoot, urban "cowboys" who arrived from the East all decked out in fancy but hardly practical Western garb.
In Conclusion, cattle and horse ownership has always been associated with wealth and prestige, even among the most ancient of our herding cultures. I remember a saying from a freed Slave narrative I read once which stated that a Negro wasn't really free until he owned a horse. With ideas of freedom and wealth associated with the ownership of horses and cattle, it should not be a surprise that the American West Cowboy has been romanticized.

American Cowboys explain in their narratives how un-romantic their jobs were. The Romanticism of the American Cowboy literature began with dime store novels of cowboys meant to edify the working class, Wild West shows and rodeos like the 'Millers 101' Ranch show, or Buffalo Bill Cody's "Wild West Show," and finally the John Wayne-themed Hollywood false narratives.

While watching Westerns through the decades one would never see any black actors in major cowboy roles. Not only did Hollywood ignore black cowboys, it plundered their real stories as material for some of its films.
The Lone Ranger, for example, is believed to have been inspired by Bass Reeves, one of the first black lawmen, who used disguises, had a Native -merican sidekick and went through his whole career without being shot.

If something is not in the popular imagination, it does not exist, and this is why did Hollywood chose to so misrepresent the true racial diversity of the West.
The American West is often considered the birthplace of America, where Americans were distinct from their European counterparts. The West was where white men were able to show their courage. But if a black man could be heroic and have all the attributes that you give to the best qualities in men, then how was it possible to treat a black man as subservient or as a non-person?
When you can answer that, you will have unravelled the true nature of, and possibly discerned the cure to, the cancer within America.
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