Ask yourselves this one question:
What communities are being developed by the billions and trillions of dollars of mineral resources being siphoned out of Africa? Is it Nigeria where the potholes on the roads are as big as volcanic craters and the electricity supply is so sporadic that more than 50% of the time there is no light in substantial parts of the largest cities? Or is it the widespread poverty, and low GDP through the continent?
If, as we well know, Africa is wealthy in mineral resources beyond belief, how come these issues continue to occur?
In Africa, broadly speaking, there are basically two sets of people. Those who work their fingers to the bone, but never seem to break even, and those who barely do any real work but live lavishly. The main difference between these is that only the latter has any meaningful contact with the elite. They either work for the elite, or indirectly, for the two-faced white people in their midst whose presence represents a jackal-like greed aptly described in "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.
This group pledges undying loyalty to their foreign masters, through their companies, NGO's, multinational corporations, and their ultimate, and only, motive is the unending extraction of mineral resources from whatever African country in which they are operating. 
The real problem is that a majority of the run-of-the-mill African, admires, and aspires to the standard of living of these vultures, making them believe that they have to "serve the white man" to achieve a corresponding standard of living, and become anything meaningful in life......thus your garden variety 10%'er, future corrupt politician and bootlicker is born.
The greatest continent, responsible for the adornment, the development, and the rise of European societies world wide has fostered a false picture of Africa to the rest of the world. The problems Africa is experiencing are deliberately man-made. Regarding the international clamor about the ethnic wars, civil unrest and "rebel groups" attacking their own government, how do you suppose these get started? How do you suppose these rebels acquire their sophisticated weaponry? Ask yourselves, who gains, when the rebels win?
From the Biafra war, to the bifurcation of North-South Sudan, the splitting of Ethiopia-Eritrea, the decimation of Liberia and Sierra Leone, massacres in Madagascar just so they could acquire the rare spices that lay therein....the decades-long genocide of North Africa...Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia at the hands of the French....the complete usurpation and whitewashing of Egypt, the assassination of Gaddafi, (and subsequent takeover of Libya's gold reserves, the apparent inability of the mighty American military to rein in Boko Haram, leading many to think the benefactors of this radical group are the Americans themselves, much as they have been said to be behind isis in the Middle East), the ripping apart of Congo for the tonnes and tonnes of Coltan (research what it is and what it's used for), Apartheid.....the main supporters of Apartheid in South Africa were British and American companies. The largest diamond ever found, the Culling diamond, discovered in South Africa, a 3,106.75 carat diamond, ended up on Queen Elizabeth's scepter, and the British Crown Jewels. In almost every instance of terror, war, mayhem and murder in Africa, the fingerprints of the British and Americans are all over it. Rwandan genocide....2 million starved to death in Biafra....massacres in Soweto....the genocide in Sudan....victims of Boko haram in Nigeria.....time and time again, we see a familiar pattern of American/British-European instigation of African genocide for their (the Americans) economic profit.
And we haven't even explored the Slave Trade yet.......
Why did the white man come to Africa?
That is the proverbial $64,000 question that we all already know the answer to. He came...saw....took....but never left.
The transatlantic slave trade caused the forced removal from Africa of millions of Africans. This number included a large percentage of skilled tradesmen and women from a range of occupations and professions who were making their contribution to African societies. Without them, African societies themselves were weakened.
When the colonialists came, they dangled promises of education, religion and trade.
Africa had trading systems which had developed over hundreds of years, well before Europeans ever arrived on their shores. Europeans destroyed these systems in large areas of Africa when they developed the trade in enslaved Africans. Local systems were badly affected and overwhelmed by the demands of the new trade in enslaved Africans, a trade imposed by the better developed guns and ships of the Europeans.
Organized religion was introduced into a continental society that already had its own traditional spiritual institutions. They destroyed these institutions, much like they decimated the traditions of the Native-Americans to subjugate them, and the effects are being felt till today, globally, in the African diaspora.
Every contact that the institution of white privilege, birthed by a perverted caucasian mutation, has had on African experience has been detrimental to Africa and Africans.
"International" economic organizations such as the U.N., the World Bank, the I.M.F. and so on are but shills for the Rothschild-led multinational global banking cartel while the "international" justice apparatus, the World Court in the Hague has made a name for itself, extraditing, kidnapping and imprisoning African leaders, as if only African leaders are criminals. There is the same parallel in these Western societies, in how they criminalize people of France, in Britain, in America. Crime is not a genetic disposition. It can't just be coincidence that the majority of incarcerated people in those countries are Black, but not in other, less exploitative nations. Blacks are not the majority in prisons in Iceland, in Russia, in Sweden, in, the reason they are the majority of prisoners in the U.S. and France has a direct correlation to the continuing exploitation of Africa.
Humanitarian organization like UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, USAID, and the like have done more damage to Africa than the marginal positive impact they supposedly have had.
In order to raise money for their operations, they have engaged in an orgy of “poverty porn”, depicting Africa in the most degrading, and humiliating images possible. African dignity is not something they care about. Huge billboard and magazine photos showing Africa at its worst fill the minds of billions of people around the world, and unfortunately those people can’t help but think about Africa only through those images, and while the humanitarian ones among them donate copiously to these organizations, the communities themselves are deliberately excluded from the largesse of a European entity which has profited in the trillions of dollars from Africa's exploitation. 
At the same time, those media outlets won’t show the photo of a dead American or English soldier, because it’s shocking and doesn’t respect human dignity.....
Africa has never freed itself from domination by the West. In the late 20th and 21st centuries, the relationship between the West and Africa has been primarily one of exploitation. International trading agreements with Africa, dominated by multinational corporations, have been brutally unfair on African countries. Such economic agreements and relationships have allowed individual African officials to get rich while the region sells itself cheaply and develops little, or no infrastructure.
This relationship of exploitation has become a common feature of the European intervention in Africa. It started with the arrival of the missionaries, and continued with the arrival of European merchants and mercenaries, followed by the western multinational corporations, and most lately, with their militaries under the guise of combating terrorism.
While Machiavellian, Hegelian and Darwinian principles are readily applied by the elite in Africa to further the exploitation of the land, and the manipulation of the people, who remain in the dark about these lofty, but sadly, pertinent principles.
When the colonialists invaded Africa, the so-called "knowledge" they spread had more to do with imposing a subaltern mindset, a dependence on Western literature, and religion, instead of an emphasis on science and technology, equipping graduates with just enough knowledge to equip them with the tools to assist in the robbing of their own indigenous governments.
For Africans to achieve anything meaningful, thjey need a global understanding of what is transpiring beyond their shores. People in most African communities, on average, and in general, mostly have an understanding of what enables them to live in their immediate environment. Thus, the ones who "escape", the ones who are born in foreign lands, or who are educated in ways that are not traditionally African, are equipped with a broader understanding of how they are being manipulated.
Far too many of my friends back in Africa frequently ask me questions which display an alarming lack of knowledge on the basic issues of white privilege, because back home we were brainwashed to accept, celebrate, applaud, and worship, anything white. Children follow Caucasians, gleefully chanting, "Oyinbo pe-pe, if you eat the pe-pe, you go yellow more, more", happily and blissfully ignorant in their adulation. All this was a deliberate and calculated pattern of brainwashing, the effects of which are nearly impossible to reverse and often too astounding to imagine.
It is not by accident that the many, many achievements of Africans are all too often, ignored, under-reported, appropriated, and dismissed. 
In America there are tens of thousands of instances, many documented in patent offices, of inventions that were created by Africans, that are constantly denied, and disbelieved by a majority of the general public.
The Modern Home-Video Gaming Console (precursor to X-Box and all that crap), The Iron, Street-sweeper, Elevator, Lawn mower, Luggage carrier, Umbrella Stand, the Blood Bank (Charles Drew), the Cataract Laserphaco Probe, Traffic lights, Refrigeration System for Trucks, Gas Mask, Improved Light Bulb, "Jenny Railroad Car Coupler", the Potato Chip, Cotton-chopping Device, the Wrench, the Affordable Electret Microphone, the Screw for a Tobacco Press, "Super Soaker" toy, Resistors for Pacemakers, Tallying Machine for the Census, Folding Cabinet Bed, the "Joiner's Clamp", the Early Pencil Sharpener, the Dust Pan, the Tricycle and a Streetcar Fender, the Street Postal Mailbox, the "Dry-cleaning" process, the Extraction of Chaulmoogra Oil for the treatment of Hansen's disease (Leprosy)…..
….the Gastroscope, the Ironing Board, the Disposable Syringe, the Fire Safe, the Improved Horseshoe, the Discovery of hundreds of uses for previously useless vegetables and fruits, principally the peanut, the Long Distance Flight Airplane in 1911, Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning, Techniques for Blood Storage, the Amputee self-feeding device, the Discovery of Rutherfordium (element 104) and Hafnium (element 105) at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the Shoe assembly Machine, the Hot Comb, the Toggling Whaling Harpoon Head, the first successful Open-heart surgery in the United States, the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph, Light Control (Photoelectric Cell), Burglar Alarm, Television Tubes, Ignition of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors…..
…...the Stationary Steam Engine, Release valve Jack and Hydraulic Jack, the Derrick for Hoisting, Corn and Cotton Planting Devices (by Henry Blair, the first Black man to finally allowed to get a U.S. patent in 1836), the Electrical Device Used on All Guided Missiles and IBM Computers, Home Security System Utilizing Television Surveillance (by Maria Brown in 1969), Ultraviolet Spectrograph, Satellite Tracker, Valves for Steam Engines as early as 1890, Apparatus for Managing Sails, Device to Directly Convert Gas into High Voltage Electricity, Exhaust Purification Device for Automobiles, Air Pollution Measuring Device, Generators for Power Stations, Blocking System for Controlling Railway Trains, Bread Kneading Machine, Pressurized air/water rocket and launcher, Combined aerodynamic glider and launcher…..
…..Therapeutic Lamps, the development of Carbon Arc Lights, improving Thomas Edison's Light Bulb, Nailing Machine, Lubricating Cup for Railroad Locomotives and Ship and Factory Equipment, Earth Moving Machine, Austenite Alloy Steels, Vehicle Dash, the Procedure for Making Paper Bags, Distress Radio, Railroad Semaphore Automatic Directional Signals and Automatic Transmission Devices, Combination Milk Bottle Opener and Bottle Cover, Method and Apparatus for Obtaining Average Samples and Temperature of Tank Liquids, Automatic Gear Shift, Self-Locking Rack for Billiard Cues, Mutiple Barrel Machine Gun, Oil Stove, Air Purification Devices, Bullet Proof Shield, Pressure relief panel hold open apparatus and method, Foot grilles, Modular louver system, Shoe Horn….
…….Machine for Removing Palmettos, Network Impedance Calculator, Two Dimensional Slide Rule, team Boiler Furnaces and Air Brakes for Transportation, also Electrical Inventions, Biscuit cutter, Letter Box, Locomotive smoke stack, Gong and signal chairs for hotels, Street sprinkling apparatus, Carpet beating machine, Automatic fishing device, Ice-cream mold, Machine for embossing photo, Guitar (variation), Golf tee, Foot power hammer, Breathing Device, Rillieux's multiple effect vacuum sugar evaporator Sugar refining process, Portable shield for infantry, Air-purification device, Electrodeposition of manganese and other hard to deposit metals, Electromechanical brake, Railway telegraphy, Induction telegraph system, Overhead conducting system for electric railway….
…...Electromotive railway system for long-haul trucks, the Artificial Heart Pacemaker Control Unit, 3-D Graphics Technology Used in Films, the Process of Synthesis was critical to the medical industry as it allowed scientists to create chemicals that were rare in nature, which led to the birth control pill and improvements in the production of cortisone, the Cardiopad, and many, many hundreds of others.....
All invented by Africans, African-Americans, Negroes, Blacks...whatever you want to call us.....
And that is just short list. 
So I encourage those in pursuit of the truth and knowledge, when you see a picture like the one below, ask yourself this one question:
Whose society is being developed by the extraction of Africa's mineral resources?
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