#TheAnswer (Since it bears repeating ad nauseam....)
The only answer when some idiot tells you that:
"It was such a long time ago"
"Just get over it"
"We all have the same opportunities in America"
"Why are you people so angry?"
"Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps"
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The appropriate answer to those idiotic statements is:

Imagine I come to your house and break in. I rape your grandmother, your mother, your wife, your daughters and kill some of them in my unmitigated glee. I hang some for the pure fun of it. I mutilate your male house members, and enslave them. I take away all that is meaningful to them, and then burn your house and all your memories and mentions down. I forbid your entire generations from learning my language upon penalty of death....and (*wry laugh*), forbid them from speaking their native tongues as well, paranoid that they will conspire against me (also upon penalty of death). 
I strip your family of all their cultural legacy....their customs, their songs, their dances, their foods, rather traditions, their mode of dress, their languages, their very freedom. I debase, humiliate, denigrate, demean, mutilate, lynch, burn, castrate, diminish, de-humanize and boil them alive. I even skin some alive and use their skin as book binders. I forcibly remove some of their teeth to use as trophies and replacements for my people. I feed your babies for sport to crocodiles and alligators. I tarnish your entire humanity for all eternity.
I force you, and your offspring (who now "belong" to me, like property), to perform inhumane, and inhuman manual labor from sunup to midnight without rest, so I can become wealthy, even as your people become progressively destitute. I am celebrated as being a "benevolent slave master"...who cares? Even when I am brutal, who is there to protest or stop me? I rape your wife and daughters in front of you while I castrate you, literally, and figuratively. 
I build an empire around my stolen, brutal occupation of you, and your family's free, forced labor. You are not the only one I am doing this to. Tens of thousands like me, as well as I, massacre upwards of a hundred million of your people. They all go through the same abhorrent and irrevocable genocide.
My descendants also gain from this "tradition". My children go the most privileged schools and grow up to be Captains of industry, Barons and celebrated politicians, while yours grow up, still my property....tarnished, destitute, broken, ridiculed and reviled....because that is how I designed the system.
This goes on for 500 years. 5 centuries of genocide, which I now call "ethnic cleansing". I brainwash your descendants to follow my God, and of course this God is molded in my image, and demands perfect obedience to me. Your grandchildren grow up to be my grandchildren's property. I am God. My wealth is untold and limitless, my health perfect, my future secure. You? You are gradually dying, as a person, as a people. Then ones I can't bend, I break, or throw in my many dungeons. I make up terms such as "picnic" to celebrate the lynching or turing of your kind while my two year old great-grandchild laughs at it, and I save him postcards of when he grows up.
Finally when those of my kind are squabbling amongst themselves over who to divide the spoils of YOUR labor, I allow you to go and fight, and die, on my behalf.....I then, five hundred years later, "free" you. You are lost, broken, defeated, illiterate, unemployable, and barely recognizable as human, but yet, still defiant, and hopeful. So I design a system to crush that hope. 
I institute a grand society that ensures that you will never rise to the levels I was at even 400 years ago. My people have secured ALL aspects of society. There is little chance for you to ever recover and become as strong, as accomplished as I have become....for who will you murder and use like I did to get to where I am?
I own every part of society- business, government, education, the justice system (which was designed to catch those of you who ran away), politics, transportation, health, infrastructure, property ownership...EVERYTHING in that society now belongs to ME....and I have designed the system so that YOU will never catch up. I still harass you, spit on you, incarcerate you at will, kill you for fun....and nothing can be done. I even enact a law explicitly stating that you are not fully a human being.
There are mixed breed humans everywhere, mostly a testament to centuries of my forcible rapes of your womenfolk. Sometimes I give them the crumbs...a form of divide-and-control that breeds a new group of coons, or house slaves, eager and willing to do my bidding to survive in my new world order. 
I introduce narcotics into your communities so you can further be hooked into a mental and physical form of servitude, slave to the chemical imbalances and psychological urges that I can further exploit and jail millions of your kind for. I introduce firearms into your communities so you can kill yourselves at my behest. I have destroyed you as a people, as a culture. You who were the alpha of creation have now been reduced to an international joke....all thanks to my obscene greed and unrelenting murderous rage. 
As if this weren't enough, I discover that your continent from which I stole you, is super-rich, to the tunes of Trillions of dollars, in natural resources, so I form an army and spend another few centuries waging war, in one guise or another, invading your home countries, and extracting, at the point of the gun, the nuke the poison, the virus, the false narratives, the tanks and warships, and submarines, most of your resources. Those of your leaders I can bribe, I do. Those I can't, I kill mercilessly....and I don't care who knows it.
The description above pales in comparison with the reality of the destruction and death that Whites have wrought among the Black community, the grim reality is, in fact, a million times worse, but imagine all this, if you will……..
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Now my question to you is this:
How would you feel if one of my descendant offspring, from the lofty educated, privileged perch of generations of stolen, appropriated billions and billions of dollars, told you 500 years later, that:
"Just get over it, and let's move on.....I had nothing to do with slavery....why don't you go find my great-grandfather and ask for your promised forty mules.....you are just being lazy......you are the problem in this society....it was such a long time ago.....we all have the same opportunities in America....just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps like everyone else"
Wouldn't you just want to rip his face off and feed it to him?


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