Culture Vultures (Part 1)

Culture Vultures

I find it hilarious that the 'top' hiphop artistes are now White. The 'top' Reggae artistes are now White. The 'best' Scholars are now White. Of course those who follow the evidence know that these are gross figments of Caucasian imagination otherwise known as lies, but hey, they have an agenda for you to swallow. I have written extensively and explicitly about how I feel about American culture, Simply put, America does not have a culture. There are pockets of racial groups, whose cultures have been appropriated and stolen by Caucasian-America. White America, or as it is popularly referred to these days, Amerikkka, (or 'Murikkka') is a product of stolen treasures, cultures and traditions. Those who have been historically marginalized and sidelined, whose labor has been the backbone of American strength are the true Americans but they are the ones who have received the least of its benefits. America was built on the backs of African slaves, the descendants of whom are still fighting, 240 years later, to get some acknowledgment for the genocide of their ancestors. Present-day whites, who are enjoying the spoils of their ancestors murderous deeds and actions have extended this mentality to appropriate every aspect of other peoples cultures, hence earning the nomenclature 'Culture Vultures'.

I want to speak to the foundation of ingrained racism and prejudice in America but in a manner that will clarify the smoke-and-mirror myth that Blacks in America hate Whites without reason or rationale. In order to objectively and dispassionately examine the circumstances which govern the co-existence of Caucasian-Americans and the rest of the population in general, and African-Americans in particular, we must look at events which occur on a daily basis which fuel the peaceful, or conversely vitriolic and hate-filled, nature of the debate which has degenerated into a mutual surface-evaluated, mindless, suspicious and deteriorating relationship which can only get worse because the status quo, the way things are right now, benefits the continued cementing, in society, of the superiority of Caucasians, simultaneously ripping the social fabric of the existence of minorities. It is sad that so much efforts and energy is wasted, by this oppressive and selfish percentage of our society, trying to prevent meaningful discussion about ways to eliminate racism in American society.

If you want to briefly examine the behavior of people who claim so vehemently not to be racist, (which in itself is a tacit admittance of guilt), or those who claim racism is a figment of my imagination in America, let's start by looking at the premise that 'African-Americans are holding onto a notion which died out during the slave days'. The saddest aspect of American history is not only that people who respond with indignation to stories regarding racial profiling and exploitation in America do so uninformed, but that the same people who scream that we should all let 150 year old sleeping dogs lie, never stop attempting to distort history! The Jewish Holocaust claimed the lives of 6 million Jews by comparison but the memory of that genocide is treated with a reverence unmatched on earth. In comparison the Middle Passages or Slave Trade, during which up to 40 million people have been murdered, is literally being written out of the history books as an afterthought. Don’t be deceived, the demons are in your midst…you just have to know where the bodies are buried and in what closets the skeletons reside. They actually think the World Cup trophy can make its home in America. Well, at the rate they bribe, steal or bomb everything they covet, I wouldn't be surprised.

All along the Nazi-like historical path of American Caucasian development, corpses litter the way courtesy of the 1646 Law which made religious heresy punishable by death, the 1662 Law which recognized slavery as a hereditary and lifelong condition, the 1696 Law which excused any white person who killed a slave while carrying out a punishment, Virginia’s 1705 Law which explicitly defined all blacks, mixed or otherwise as slaves forever, the 1756 Scalp Act in which Governor Robert Norris put a perpetual bounty on the scalps of Indian women and children, the 1790 Law which allowed citizenship for whites only, the 1857 Dred Scott Decision which proclaimed that Black people had no rights a white person was bound to respect and would never be citizens of the United States, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which allowed white settlers to steal Indian land and livestock with impunity, displacing the owners in the infamous Trail of Tears genocidal trek, the 1863 Miscegenation Law which forbade intermarriage and interracial sex between whites and other races, the 1881 Chinese Exclusion Law and the literally millions of lesser known racially-based laws in towns, municipalities, corporations and neighborhoods all across America, which historically has decided who gets to be elected into what positions of power; the inequality in how and where resources end up being allocated have been a testament to the culture of prejudice and inequality for which America, unfortunately, is most known. 


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