Weapons Supplied by America in the Middle Eastern Politics of Deception Makes Genocide Possible

Yesterday was my day off. I awoke to news that Malaysian Flight MH-17, a civilian airliner that flew too close to the height-restricted area where Ukraine forces and pro- Russian separatists are waging war, had been brought down by a missile. I am not trying to be insensitive and I truly mourn for the victims and their families. However reflecting the impotent and unfulfilled hard-on that the United States of America has traditionally had for Russia for several decades, it was not surprising to hear news of this tragedy and the indignation that somehow Russia was responsible for it, drone (no pun intended) on and on for over four hours straight, interrupting all other programs, before I literally got up to go and vomit…..seriously. I am that sick of America. I am sick of America's motives and its underhanded tactics in everything it participates in- EVERYTHING. From cowardly drone tactics in war to cheating at the America's Cup Yacht race. News of the downed plane reported, ad nauseum, that it was flying at 33,000 feet and the restricted height was 32.000 feet which begs the questions, "why was the airplane flying so close to a war zone?"

America is so obsessed with the peeing contest that entails constantly humiliating Russia that they treated this news with a reverence reserved only for World Wars in the media yesterday. Every channel was fixated on the tragedy. They didn't report this much when Asiana Flight 214 went down within America's own borders. When Malaysian Flight 370 'disappeared' in the Indian Ocean, it was n't such a big deal in the media. Martha Raddatz and George Stephenopolous on Ch. 7 ranted on and on about ISIS in Iraq, terrorists taking advantage of the Malaysian imbroglio to attack America, the black box (over which they were incensed because of the possibility of it being turned over to the Russian government when found), Syria….they even found a way to tie it into 9/11. That's a catchall phrase now used to get the attention of the general public and scare them into rubber-stamping the funding of any further military invasions. Are you hungry? Just stand in the center of the town hall and shout "9/11- I'm hungry!" and American sheeple will scramble to drown you in food.

My gripe is not with the Ukraine vs. pro-Russia separatist war nor is my post about that plane tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the deceased. No, my post is about the irritating, nauseating, two-faced, underhanded, one-sided, prejudiced coverage of the Israeli offensive onslaught against the Palestinians which has received nearly no television or radio coverage by comparison. This is what we have always taken Amerikkka to task over. This is what the Native-Americans meant when they famously say, "White man speak with forked tongue". This is the cancer eating away at the moral fiber of this nation. This is America's disease. Prejudice. They dismiss it as if it is not relevant…as if it does not matter…as if you are the crazy one for even daring to speak about it. Various forms of this inane, stupid, moronic, incomprehensible and fallacious argument has been used over the years as a defense against the genocide of the Native-Americans, the mass murder of the African slaves, the massacres of the Latinos and the invasion of hundreds of countries. Where the genocide in Gaza has been spoken about at all, it has been dismissed as a slight conflict in which Israel is relentlessly trying to defend itself from hundreds of mortar attacks from the evil Palestinians.

What is not mentioned is that in just a space of one week 271 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip since Israel began its relentless assault last week. The American media is strangely and infuriatingly silent as if this doesn't matter or didn't happen. This is madness!!!!! Among those killed, 58 were aged 16 or younger and 30 were women. The youngest victim was five-month-old Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, killed by Israeli tank shelling in Rafah. Only 1 Israeli has been killed….ONE. Yet, they paint this picture of Israelis having to defend themselves from deadly bombs from Gaza. This is like a classmate shooting a spitball from a ball point pen at you, causing a wet spot to briefly appear on your cheek and you retaliating by chopping his left hand off. For that matter there has not been any mention of note of the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed by their own in Syria and other parts of the world or of the thousands of African-Americans killed right here in our own backyard of Chicago in the past year.

I watched footage of an Israeli aircraft target and shoot down with glee four young Palestinians boys who had been playing, all under the age of nine, strafing them even as they tried to hide. Is this war? Is this what the Israel and Americans are so proud of? Getting their rocks off and enjoying the spectacle of killing innocent children? I won't even get into the incredulous, illegal, arbitrary and despicable manner in which Israel became a nation in 1948 in what tantamounted to a massive theft of Arab lands which were then crafted to create the state of Israel….noooo, we don't have enough time or space here for me to render my opinion on that bag of American and British shenanigans which inserted Israel smack into the middle of several Arab nations where they continue to receive massive military aid from America, sabotage the production of Middle Eastern oil save that which they can acquire, and carve major inroads into Palestine territory, seizing it for themselves, over the years.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation. It is the responsibility of the media to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and in the end, bring a fair and balanced resolution. I understand the region's historical origins and I realize a lot of people are of the opinion that it doesn't concern them. As a result of the factions that truly control the United States of America, that is what the media promotes, and that is what a majority of people have accepted as gospel. I have news for you. Genocide anywhere concerns everyone everywhere. It could be you next. For some of you it HAS been you and no-one came to your defense. How did you feel? How would you feel if your people were being wiped out systematically and no-one lifted a finger or raised a voice to protest it?

6000 Palestinians are currently being held prisoner in Israel. No Israeli is a prisoner of Palestine. The Israelis have demolished 30,000 Palestinians since 1967. No Israeli home has been demolished. Israel has been the subject of 80 United Nations sanctions and resolutions. Palestine has been subject to only 1. During the 2013 U.S. fiscal year, America provided Israel with $9 million dollars a day! That was no typo…A DAY!!! America provides Palestine with $0. We can do something. We can take action. Call your Congress person at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to demand that Israel stop its massacre, attend a demonstration in support of the people of Gaza, and donate to a charity that's providing immediate aid. The problems of Gaza are the problems of the Libyan people, the problems of African-Americans in the United States, the problems of Arabs in western countries, the problems of Native-Americans, the problems of women, the problems of the downtrodden, the problems of gay rights, the problems of Hispanics, the problems of prejudice and marginalization, theft of your culture and natural resources. These are traditionally universal problems initiated by the oppressor who bully weaker nations and persons. The time to take a stand is now.


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