He Who Controls Energy Sources and Is Willing To Kill To Protect It Controls The World.

All the problems of our planet have been traditionally as a result of greed. The Slave Trade. The Holocaust. Colonization. Terrorism. War. Genocide. Religion. Why is the Vatican as well as certain powerful right-wing power brokers in America, such as Bill Gates, calling for extreme population control in Africa? Africa has enough resources to sustain its growing populations so why the paranoia? One word- Energy (along with the desire to control Africa's energy sources). The International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994 was a turning point. Until then, it was not widely known that the Catholic Church, as directed by its hierarchy in the Vatican, was a principle force in opposing population growth control. The Vatican has always been known to oppose population control…except when it comes to Africa.
Investigations by the EIR has uncovered a planning apparatus outside the control of the United States' White House, (yet actively supported by the NSA and the Tea Party) whose sole purpose is to reduce the world's population (with emphasis on Third World countries) by 2 billion through war, famine, disease, and any other means necessary. See? You are already thinking this is 'crazy conspiracy theory'. It wasn't regarded as a conspiracy theory when blankets were infected with smallpox to kill off tens of thousands of Native-Americans. If you read Lonnie Wolfe's 'Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy' briefs, you will have a better understanding of this insidious policy.
All the ills of the world have a common link- the desire to control the natural resources of another country region or state. Every problem that has afflicted the human race has always had its roots in one parties desire to covet, possess, acquire the treasures of another. Why are we prisoners of the media disinformation that exhorts us to dispel and disregard the truths that are right there before our very eyes? Why are we more prone to believe in 'conspiracy theories' rather than do our own independent investigation and find out the truth? Why is it hard to easily understand that economic reality was behind the genocide inflicted on the Congo by King Fredrick of Belgium, resulting in the deaths of ten million Congolese-Africans? That it is responsible for racism in America till this day, as it was responsible for slavery back in the old days? The anticipation, and acquisition of energy sources has proved to be the most driving factor in modern day conflict. Whether it diamonds, bauxite, copper, crude oil, gold, silver, water, rubber, or one of there thousands of other natural resources,
Imagine utilizing free energy technology in daily life. No more petroleum-based fuels; no more outrageous oil and gas prices. Humanity would definitely benefit from this. The technology for water powered cars has been in the news, as well as the development of this technology for the military. It has been verified that radio frequencies are key to this technology. On April 19, 2009 60 Minutes on CBS broadcast a segment on Cold Fusion, in which it was playfully highlighted that 'Cold Fusion Is Hot Again'. The title was 60 Minutes: Once Considered Junk Science, Cold Fusion Gets A Second Look By Researchers. Genepax, a new Japanese company, recently unveiled their prototype of a water powered car. There is overwhelming evidence that free energy is not only possible and attainable but has been achieved already so why have these technologies been suppressed? Basic Answer: Control.
The global elite plan a New World Order with an enslaved “police state” culture. How might this be done? One way has been the Patriot Act. The hegemony of the Military-Industrial complex through militarization of various police departments, the subversion of the judicial system and the privatization of the Prisons Department by the Correctional Corporation of America has been another. What else might they do? They could slow the economy. Control over oil and gas makes accomplishing all this easy. All they have to do is notch those prices up little by little, and the average citizen gets poorer and poorer. Not only do these increases affect the gas pump and home boiler, they affect food manufacturing plants, public water supplies, and other necessities as well. They affect the apolitical process. The affect the already corrupt policy making process in government. They affect everything.
Raising oil/gas prices is the global elite’s way of destroying our way of life. But they can’t raise prices without a reason, so they concocted one: Peak Oil. That way, people assume the increased costs and fuel limits are natural with no way around it. But Peak Oil is a hoax. In the 1970s, a huge oil field was discovered in Alaska that could fuel the United States for 200 years, but its existence has been classified. Those is power have planned their New World Order for some time, and didn’t want an Alaskan field getting in the way. Hence the recent debates in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives regarding President Obama's willingness to open up the Alaskan oilfields. Lindsey Williams, a former 'insider' turned whistleblower, years ago provided detailed information showing how the Saudis were roped into providing cheap oil to the international power brokers led by the Rothschild family.
It is all too common for those in control to suppress and weaponize new technologies. Suppression can be accomplished simply by spreading choice phrases such as 'ray-gun nutcase'. Even the production of sci-fi TV/movies helps associate these weapons with 'science fiction'. As an example, the body cloak technology portrayed in the film 'Predator' is very real, and was reported in Time and WIRED magazines. It is pretty well known that these technological advances are light years ahead of what is publicly admitted and this technology is far from sci-fi and has existed for many decades.
The first microwave oven was built in 1947 by Raytheon, a major defense contractor. What advances could they have made in the past sixty years? A look at the documentary 'Star Wars in Iraq' reveals weaponry based on these technologies. So what’s so 'crazy' about it? What would people a hundred years ago have said about cell phones? Crazy? Wacky? Wouldn't embedding spy chips on insects have been considered insane a few years ago? Technology has come a long way in the last 100 years. The first major free energy scientist, Nikola Tesla, knew the direction his research would someday take. In 1915 he said, “I have not thought it hazardous to predict, that wars in the future will be waged by electrical means”. The 'Star Wars in Iraq' video proves him right.
This technology has the capability of revolutionizing the world by removing oil and gas as main sources of fuel, but instead has been weaponized and used against us. Directed energy weapons and weather control are among the dangers we now face so of course, the real power brokers and kingmakers in America need the public at large to think that the concept of free-energy is 'impossible' and 'crazy' and do not want this technology revealed. Is there a possibility that this technology has been directed in recent weather-related events towards populated areas? Have powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, and volcanic eruptions shown an increase lately? What if hurricanes and tornadoes have natural characteristics of the Hutchison Effect? Would this be worth exposing? The documentary 'Thrive' exposes the ways in which JP Morgan, founder of Chase Manhattan Bank, destroyed funding for Nikola Tesla‘s free energy research in the early 1900s. We know from investigative journalist John Buchanan and other sources that JP Morgan was also one of the co-conspirators with Senator Prescott Bush, (George W, Bush's grandfather as well as Hitler supporter and friend) whose 1930s coup attempt called for overthrowing the Constitution, assassinating FDR, and turning the United States into a Nazi Camp.
They want this black op technology as their secret weapon to use against the masses (read: middle class and minorities) and they attack those who speak up. One example is well known pioneer of free energy research, John Hutchison. After he and Dr Judy Wood publicized their paper 'Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect', Hutchison ran into problems with the Canadian authorities. Another is Dr Eugene Mallove who, after writing an open letter to the world requesting free energy research funds, was killed. This '2005 Cold Fusion Colloquium' at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had a special tribute to Dr Mallove. A number of mysterious deaths are connected to free energy suppression. The time to start facing our demons and dissecting hidden and suppressed knowledge, in order to gain a wider understanding of our environmental malaise, is now.
Consider these two statements from past American Presidents who tried to stem the cycle of greed in America among these energy power brokers and bankers.
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." - Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 17, 1961)
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.” - Democratic President John F. Kennedy (April 27, 1961)
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