Open Letter To A Friend Who Thinks The Middle East Saga Has 'Nothing To Do With Africans'

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Your views couldn't be further from the truth. I am not diametrically opposed to what you are saying. You are preaching to the choir. That's what I'm trying to tell you. We are basically on the same page except that you have more animosity for Arabs than Whites. Your statement that, "If you live outside Africa, you will understand better", sent me howling with laughter. What makes you think those in Africa are lesser informed than those in Britain? For that matter what makes you think I live in Africa? Allow me to introduce myself. I am involved with several human rights organizations in the United States fighting injustice and racism. I was born here in the United States to South African and Nigerian parents….Bronx, NY, and I am blessed to speak several languages but have only lived in Nigeria for less than ten years in my whole life, in fact I have also lived in over a dozen other countries including England (Brixton) so there is nothing you are going through that I have not gone through….and if you think you got it bad in England, then you definitely DON'T want to live in the United States. 

It was Britain's cowardly acquiescence to Lord Rothschild that led to the British Parliament legislating the Balfour Declaration which created Israel in 1948 to exist. I reiterate that I agree with you that, "long before the Jews bankrolled the slave ships, Arabs had initiated and (always) been actively involved indiscriminating and enslaving the Black Africans" as you put it. This,however, doesn't give the Jews a pass. Just because there was another group who was doing bad to us before you doesn't mean you get to skate. They are all in the same boat. That being said though, this is approaching the 22nd century and I am all about solutions and decry infinite hatred. We have to find a common denominator to get along without allowing them to keep manipulating and exploiting us. Screw all that AFRICOM bullshit! Recent events in Africa point to a surreptitious massive American military build up that will dwarf the false flags which enabled them to have military bases in Japan for the past fifty years and invade hundreds of countries under false presences in the past century. The discrimination and degradation in Amerikkka against those from the African diaspora is unsurpassed in the history of mankind. I just came back from a protest in support of this brother by the name of Travion Blount (look it up) who was jailed after robbing some folks at a party of some marijuana and cellphone. Nobody was hurt but he was sentenced to SIX LIFE SENTENCES PLUS an additional 118 YEARS!!Nobody is defending the crime he committed but six life sentences points to a special type of hatred and odious revulsion in White people that is incomprehensible. Even the Nazi hatred for Jews which was understandable, given the rape of Adolph Hitler's grandmother by Lord Rothschild, wasn't this venomous. That is the kind of bullshit we are dealing with in America. 

The Correctional Corporation of America is the new Slave Trade, amassing millions of Black youth for free slave labor for the State. Oscar Grant was handcuffed, hands in the back a few years ago, placed face down at a subway platform and when a train pulled up, in full view of passengers, a cop drew his firearm and executed him. Oscar was Black and his killer, Johannes Mehserle, a Jew, was White. He was given two years in what amounted to a slap on the wrist. He actually served less than a year (look it up). Going back to your historical allusions, I agree with all the things you said about the slave trade- the official version and the unofficial version. Arab slavery, however was not as egregious as the Transatlantic Slave Trade. During the Slave Trade, over 50 MILLION Africans died in the forcible transportation alone to the New World. However let's be honest, the Arabs did not perpetuate the myth of Black inferiority. That came from WHITES! White British and White Americans specifically!!!!Check your history. 

The recent spate of events in Africa. The deployment of 3000 French troops to six African nations, the widespread outbreak of the Ebola virus, the infiltration of crude oil-rich Nigeria by American military 'advisors' and the downing of the ALgerian plane in Mali are NOT COINCIDENCES. AFRICOM is not a phantom of our imagination. Read up on the role of the U.N. as dictated to by the C.I.A. and you will have a better understanding of the insidious and underhanded tactics the so-called democracies of our world employ to get the natural resources they want, at the expense of the millions of people to whom these resources belong. How do you suppose Bin Laden was supposedly captured and killed? C.I.A.-trained Red Cross workers giving 'aid' to several dozen villages in Pakistan were also taking blood samples, from them in a bogus vaccination program, and cross-referencing with Bin Laden's DNA which is how they pinpointed his approximate whereabouts. All this is weaved and connected to the events that have been unfolding in the Middle East for the past hundred years. The New World Order spearheaded by the Rothschild's is real and the destruction of any remaining Palestinian resistance is but the tip of the iceberg, or firestorm to coin a phrase. We can bury our heads in the sand and pretend it has nothing to do with us, much like several nations buried their heads in the sand when KIng Leopold was murdering 10 million Africans in Congo for not producing rubber fast enough for him to become a billionaire. 

In real time, this Jewish mega-mogul family worth $400 TRILLION controls the central banking system of nearly every country on the face of the planet. So every time the interest rate goes up, every time you can't get a loan without paying interest rates through the roof, every time there are hidden charges that generate billions of dollars for the banks, every time inflation runs rampant, every time major industries such as the housing market hiccup and their is a recession much like the last disaster in America (why do you suppose the government bailed the banks out?), every time there is high unemployment, too much money printed, too little money printed, a seizure of gold bullion from foreign countries, the manipulation of another country's crude oil prices, the financing of war to enable certain parties to seize control over another countries deposits of gold, crude oil and other resources, the international manipulation of the diamond market- decreeing which are certifiable and thus, acceptable, and which are 'blood diamonds', every time shipment so farms and ammunitions are forced into certain parts of the world to facilitate war, engendering massive profits for the Rothschild's and widespread death for some hapless ruler somewhere who had previously refused to acquiesce to the Rothschild's, Israel's or America's demands…every time there is a hiccup or sneeze in the financial world, it not only affects you and I, but it has real time consequences that the everyday common man fails to recognize. So how you ask events in the Middle East concerns Africans. Do you suppose all those American military 'advisors' are there simply for the view? No, they're there to enforce a decision that has emanated from the Rothschild castle in Israel and trickled down to the highest levels of power in the American government. As Ariel Sharon famously said, "Don't worry about the Americans, we control America" 

If we needed a reminder about what kind of conscience this race of people have had historically, let's go back to their cohorts past exploits. The American Slave Trade was the worst genocide in the history of the world with approximately 50 million Black slaves killed in the process of forcible transportation, forced labor and the separation of tens of thousands of families; millions more died to provide the labor required to resurrect and turn America into one of the richest countries in the world from cotton and tobacco production, after which they decided the next logical step in their perpetual consolidation of power in the new lands, was to make the Black Diaspora a race everyone would despise and be afraid of. African slaves were stripped of EVERYTHING. I want you to indelibly remember the caliber of people we are dealing with; people whose hatred condones the massacres in the Middle East. They stripped Africans of their languages, they separated the men from their wives and children, oftentimes raping their wives in front of them. We are not talking about the actions of a few 'bad apples', no we are speaking of an encouraged nationwide acceptable pattern of rape and pillaging that lasted for many decades. Africans were stripped of their customs and folktales. It was made illegal, punishable by death, for them to speak their native languages, which was ironic because learning to read or write English, for them, was also made illegal, punishable by death. They were banned from eating any native foods, from cohabiting. Sometimes, the men were used as studs to procure with other females slaves for the purpose of making slave babies, some of which were fed to alligators for sport.

These are the type of people who descendants now support Israel and supply them with weapons of mass destruction. All along the Nazi-like historical path of American Caucasian development, corpses litter the way courtesy of the 1646 Law which made religious heresy punishable by death, the 1662 Law which recognized slavery as a hereditary and lifelong condition, the 1696 Law which excused any white person who killed a slave while carrying out a punishment, Virginia’s 1705 Law which explicitly defined all blacks, mixed or otherwise as slaves forever, the 1756 Scalp Act in which Governor Robert Norris put a perpetual bounty on the scalps of Indian women and children, the 1790 Law which allowed citizenship for whites only, the 1857 Dred Scott Decision which proclaimed that Black people had no rights a white person was bound to respect and would never be citizens of the United States, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which allowed white settlers to steal Indian land and livestock with impunity, displacing the owners in the infamous Trail of Tears genocidal trek, the 1863 Miscegenation Law which forbade intermarriage and interracial sex between whites and other races, the 1881 Chinese Exclusion Law and the literally millions of lesser known racially-based laws in towns, municipalities, corporations and neighborhoods all across America, which historically has decided who gets to be elected into what positions of power; the inequality in how and where resources end up being allocated have been a testament to the culture of prejudice and inequality for which America, unfortunately, is most known. 

Even worse, descendants of these early Neanderthal Caucasians have been inculcated with the feigned validity of these laws, and though most of them have long been repealed, they still act as if they believe these laws to hold true. Even while Thomas Jefferson was penning hateful and vitriolic words in ‘Notes on the State of Virginia’ about the inferiority of Blacks as an excuse why they would never be assimilated into American society, he was lost in the throes of passion, in bed, by one of these so-called savages, Sally Hemmings. Ironically, in the twilight of his years, he only allowed his trusted butler, a slave named Burwell, unrestricted access to his person. If you read “The Black image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America”, by Robert Entman and Andrew Rojecki you will come away with a deeper understanding of the sinister progression of hatred for Blacks that American Caucasians have cultivated since persons, other than the Native Americans, have settled in this land. “Without Sanctuary”, a pictorial showing hundreds of unjustified lynchings, replete with cheering white mobs, in America, by James Allen [Twins Palms Publisher] is another excellent book. Thousands were killed after the U.S. annexed Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Hawaii in 1898 all in the name of ‘Manifest Destiny’. 

The forcible extraction of labor, be it from African slaves, Latinos, Native Americans or Asians [Chinese in the Gold Rush of the 1800’s on Americas transatlantic railroads] is almost always followed [after whatever mineral deposits these racist oppressors are after -gold, oil, silver, timber, human labor, coal, rubber, name it- have been depleted] by the forcible removal of said ‘helpful’ minority populations, it happened to over 400,000 Latinos in the 1930’s and again now in Arizona; it happened in 1838 on the ‘trail of tears’ when thousands of Native American Cherokees died while being forcibly removed from their native lands to Oklahoma after the United States Army declared all Indian lands as U.S. property, thousands of Indians were killed. poisoned with smallpox-infested blankets, in an effort to eliminate them through genocide; [a fortune was later amassed by the great-great grandfather of John McCain’s wife, forcing the supply and sale of rotgut cheap whiskey to the Native-Americans in order to further weaken all resistance; this was later parlayed into the Anheiser-Busch beer empire of which Cindy McCain is now heiress to. 

What is the real agenda here? You have to know where the bodies are buried and when and why these backroom deals are made, as well as for whose benefit. So you see my dear Yli, I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. It is a case of picking your poison. Do you want to hate everyone without understanding the historical narrative which makes yesterdays bedfellows todays enemies? Or do you want to pick a side in the perpetual wars of Manifest Destiny which America, Britain and by extension, Israel are waging which is encroaching everyday into African land once more. Check to see how Blacks are being murdered on a daily basis, spat on, deported and excoriated in Tel Aviv daily. Perhaps then, you won't be so enamored of a Hebrew name. I wish you peace and best of luck though. One thing is for sure- both Islam and Christianity are equally responsible for the madness which has enveloped the world in the last few centuries. The fact that I speak against the slaughter in Gaza doesn't mean I absolve them of the responsibility of their ancestors or their own modern-day myopic discrimination, make no mistake.

 I think it is both religions that are responsible for most of the worlds malaise today. There is a popular quotation that might sum up what I am trying to say. When they came for the Atheists, I did not speak up because it did not concern me. When they came for the Jews, I did not speak up because I was not one of them and their people had oppressed my people in the past; when they came for the Communists I did not speak up because I had no idea what was going on; when they came for the Arabs, I did not speak up because I had had a bad experience with every one of the Arabs I cam into contact with; when they came for the Palestinians I di not speak up because I did not want to be involved, I have a family; when they came for the Socialists I figured they just have done something wrong so I did not speak up. When they finally came for me, there was nobody left to speak up for me. My point, as much as I agree with parts of your supposition, how would you like it if your people were being bombarded and thousands killed everyday and the very people that could muster enough public opinion to put a stop to it were gripped by inertia because of something your forefathers had done…..?


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