African-American Inventors and Their Place in the 'Post-Slavery' Circus called Democracy
It is mind-numbing to look around and see what the evolutionary totality of American society has degenerated into, the depths into which its inhabitants have descended, allowing the racist element in the nation to humiliate and strip those of African descent of their worth, their self-respect and their dignity. Caucasian-Americans have traditionally stolen everything African, from that which they did not need- African culture, language, food, dances, folklore, attire- but just derived evil pleasure in making sure Blacks were separated from, to that which they coveted more than anything else, the labor which they appropriated for free in order to gain prominence on the international stage via cotton and tobacco production, the natural resources from our respective motherlands and more recently a revamping of the same free labor via mass incarceration brought about by a massively lopsided justice system that perpetually clamors for the multiple racist orgasms they get from jailing members of the Black race.
The media is nicely playing its part, downplaying the culpability of whites while emphasizing the worst of a situation they themselves had a major part in creating. Solutions are few and far between but what a lot of people don't realize is that it wasn't always like this. We seldom wonder why previously Black-owned businesses are being bought out by White corporations who then either flip the programming to send a different message to the general public or destroy the company altogether. BET, Essence, JET and Ebony magazines, BEATS headphones, Marc Echo, Def Jam Records, Jimmy Jazz, The Grio, The Root, BlackVoices.Com, NewsOne, Churches Chicken, Softsheen, T.V. One, Rocawear, Phat Fashions, Burrell Communications Group, Translation Consulting, among hundreds of other previously 'Black-owned' companies like these all went from being African-American powerhouses that catered to a decidedly African-American audience to being bought out by white Americans who realized the power of information distortion.
What do you do when you find out that many so-called black-owned media outlets are really fronts for major corporations or white people? Do you know where our 'popularly-held' opinions are coming from? Do you know whose bandwagon you have chained your thought processes to? We should all think twice the next time a website is eager to advocate for a policy that benefits corporate America, but harms the people, but in many cases we don't even know the truth till it is too late or too deeply embedded in our subconscious. Many of the people in the black blogosphere and Twitterverse are paid provocateurs instead writers with a vested interest in the black community. The editor and co-founder of Politics365, a black politics website, was recently revealed as a paid lobbyist for tobacco and telecom. During a recent interview, Vice reports that Kristal High revealed that she was being paid by lobbying firm DCI. And just in case you don’t know, lobbying firms pay for influence, not just for the sake of handing out free money.
Talk show host David Pakman made it clear during the interview that both High and another guest, Everett Ehrlich, were pitched to his program as guests by DCI.
“Are individuals like you and Everett Ehrlich, are you paid by DCI?” Pakman asked High. “I think you have to really consider what it is you’re suggesting, you’re asking there,” High tried to explain. “If people are working on different issues, there could be, say, a consulting arrangement that’s separate and apart from whatever it is people are advocating for.” Pakman, however, refused to let the subject drop. “In other words, DCI may be paying you as a consultant,” Pakman pushed. “But they’re not paying you for the media appearances or being a spokesperson for the point of view that their clients espouse.” “Right,” High responded.
Not surprisingly, High has defended the FCC’s plan to end net neutrality, as have the NAACP and Urban league, even though such a move could hurt independent black media providers and their consumers. High also attempted to take on Vice, showing up in the comments section of net neutrality articles to do the bidding of big telecom, which probably had something to do with why they outed her as a corporate shill. High also defended big telecom in an op-ed for the Huffington Post, but not once did she reveal that she was being paid by the very group whose interests she was supporting. High’s articles up at Huff Post have since been removed for “violating our blogger terms, which require bloggers to disclose possible conflicts of interest or any financial affiliations they may have with parties or topics they’re writing about.”
Politic365 was 'incubated' by the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, a group profiled last year by the Center for Public Integrity. They found that the outfit takes huge checks from telecom giants to mobilize African American and Latino support for industry priorities, like opposing net neutrality or supporting corporate media mergers. This is why the need for independent black media is so great. The site also shilled for the Comcast merger. The television show, “A Different World,” was iconic and one of the greatest shows of all-time. It led to a spike in the attendance of HBCUs, made millions for its producers and put black faces on television every Thursday night in an extremely positive light.
Since that time, we’ve seen a huge segment of television devolve into embarrassing and destructive reality TV segments, where ignorant ideas are being mass-marketed, mostly to black people. There is almost nothing that our kids see on TV or hear on the radio that is going to lead to healthy or happy outcomes in life. Is there any wonder that after having been programmed with two decades of this brainwashing a lot of African-Americans later find out that their life is falling apart?
The harmful and destructive use of modern mass media has led to millions of Americans asking “What happened to television and radio, and why has it been wired to hurt black people?” There is an interview with Michael Imhotep from the African History Network that lays out what’s happened to black people over the last few decades, as well as the power of media in brainwashing black youth into pursuing harmful and destructive outcomes in their lives. He goes into a lot of other issues as well, including the unfortunate evolution of hip-hop music and how many of the companies running major media companies also “just happen” to be big investors in private prisons. Is there something more sinister happening in our society? I’ll let you be the judge.
If these companies were previously spreading a pro-independent message of strength and pride in their heritage to Blacks then the new white-owned agenda seems to be to break those positive trends, which is why artistes such as Lil Wayne and other rappers who regularly regurgitate negative messages of killing their own kind, getting high and espousing violent behavior are given the highest contracts in the music industry. In every niche of American society you see this predatory divide-and-conquer tactic employ to further destroy us in every single industry, and of course the bottom line is the mad dash for untold wealth. As Chris Rock would say, there is a difference between being rich and being wealthy. If Bill Gates or Warren Buffet woke up tomorrow with Oprah-type money, they would jump out of a 20 story building and cut their throats on the way down.
The best hidden secrets which could salvage a smidgen of our pride and restore our sense of worth and point some of the new generation in the right direction is the revelation that mostly EVERYTHING that makes America what America is today was brought about, invented by and stolen from African-Americans and appropriated by White America….and I am not simply talking about Eminem rapping better than 50 cent or white high school boys talking like Black teenagers from the 'hood. No, I am talking about the inventions which created America. I will illustrate with a short list of 35 Black, African-American inventors and what they contributed to American society. This is information that is easily verifiable but which seems so hard to come by because 'they' make sure to hide it from you. It is not readily shared in media sites. It is information you have to go searching for, at great pains. These are just 35 of a list of over 5000 inventions, some patented, by African-Americans that will make you wonder how this country ever became functional without the contributions of Blacks, why more people do not know about the contributions of Blacks to American society and industry, and furthermore, more importantly, what happened to the ownership of patents of these inventions. It's time to revert back to those glory days and show what we are made of.
Inventor Type of Invention
Louis Alexander Light Control (Photoelectric Cell), Burglar Alarm, Television Tubes
Harrison Allen Ignition of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors
Jeremiah Baltimore (1852- ) Invented Stationary Steam Engine
Charles Banks Release valve Jack, Hydraulic jack
Andrew Beard (1849-1921) Invented Railroad Car Coupler
J.W. Benton Derrick for Hoisting
Henry Blair (1804-1860) Invented Corn and Cotton Planting Devices.
David Boker Inner Tube
Henry Bowman Flags
Otis Boykin Control Unit for Artificial Heart Stimulator, Electrical Device Used on All Guided Missiles and IBM Computers
Hugh Brown (1851-1923) Invented Device to Govern Position of Dampers in a Furnace
Maria Van Brittan Brown and Albert L. Brown Home Security System Utilizing Television Surveillance
Solomon Brown Assisted Stanley Morse in Development of Telegraph Device
Charles Bryant Auto Seat Bed
George Carruthers Ultraviolet Spectrograph
Oscar Cassel Flight Machine
David N. Crosthwait, Jr. Holds Patents on Heating Systems, Thermostats and Refrigeration.
Shelby J. Davidson Invented Postal and Other Office Equipment
Joseph Hunter Dickinson Improved Musical Instruments and Player Pianos
William Douglass Various Inventions for Harvesting
James Doyle Invented Automatic Serving System
Wilbert Dyer Satellite Tracker
Frank J. Ferrell Invented Valves for Steam Engines
James Forten Invented Apparatus for Managing Sails
Meredith Gourdine Device to Directly Convert Gas into High Voltage Electricity
Lloyd Augustus Hall Patented Methods of Preserving and Sterilizing Foods
Frederick McKinley Jones (1893-1961) Air Conditioning for Truck and Railroad Transportation of Food
Clarence Larry Camera (Takes Pictures Of Moving Eye)
Lewis Howard Latimer (1848-1928) Developed Carbon Arc Lights, Improved Thomas Edison's Light Bulb
W.A. Lavalette Two Printing Presses
Madame C.J. Walker Invented Cosmetic and Hair Products
That is paul bogle, not thomas jennings